This guy Galloway also does a podcast with Kara Swisher called Pivot which is mandatory listening. They get silly but still shit on every bad actor in tech so it's super entertaining.
It's great that we can have dream machines at ridiculously low prices, but these machines are valuable enough that we'd buy them at 2x or 3x the price, easily. There'll be a whole lot of grumbling and complaining, as always. But people have grumbled and complain since the iPhone 1 and every year there after --- and they've been MASSIVELY wrong about the value of these devices compared to their costs, and so, just how desirable they are.
At the end of the day, are you not willing to pay $5K extra from a car that's REALLY self-driving and ultra-safe? Would you not pay $3K for something like your phone, only with enough performance to translate any text or words you hear, and to behave as intelligently as a human secretary?
Think of the billions in electricity saved each new size reduction, for data centers and even the general pop doing the same thing as ever with less current, or more for the same cost.
I watch 4k videos a lot, imagine the cost of rendering that 20 years ago.
These data centers will collect large amounts of personal data. I believe that the future of personal privacy protection issues needs to receive greater attention.