At the beginning of work from home, I was confident that a lot of these big companies would maybe close a few locations but have coworking spaces available for those who prefer the office. You could have an amount of spaces spoken for, for people who need an anchored space, and you could have communal areas and open rooms with shutting doors for people who want to pop in and get a space.
i just deployed a "account_enabled" feature so i'll manually approve new accounts coming in to post, but in the meantime you can make your account again
Yeesh. Sad that people seem so determined to prove that you can't have nice things. Hopefully you don't get too discouraged. Happy though that you let my registration through. Kind of expected that my habit of using random usernames would get me flagged.
Somewhat related, Monster bev has a 'no nerds' policy. Just tongue in cheek I emailed them about sponsorship for an OSS project that was practically built by Monster Ultra Fiesta and the email response spelled it out in no uncertain terms, no nerds.