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Really love these guys, the endorsements have so much meaning compared to connections. Keep up the great work team Zerply!!!

Agree that endorsements are extremely valuable in a professional network. And, making it much easier to weigh in on endorsing someone should increase this activity. I also might not be willing to endorse every aspect of a person, (so would be unwilling to write out a paragraph of endorsing them), but I would be willing to endorse the one aspect of their professionalism I am willing to put my own name behind.

In the same vein, I'd rather endorse a particular ability or skill someone has than an entire position they held like LinkedIn makes you do. In an economy where we have periodic high unemployment, your skills are more important than how long you have held a particular job.

Design looks great, glad you guys listened to me... sort of ;)

thanks dude:)

Thats one of the biggest complaints we get on http://console.fm, everyone loves the service though!!! Envolve is fantastic!!!

There's actually an option to default the sound to off by default if you want to. Just set defaultSoundMode : false in the envoOptions

Congrats to Punchd, have met the team and they are all incredibly talented. It will be exciting to see their product realized via Google.

Electronic music charts that you can listen to, the twitter sign in is for the chat feature. It's meant to be music to work to all day. Sorry for the confusion.

Thanks for sharing. WE LOVE ELECTRONIC MUSIC!!!

NP. I spent a lot of time dancing in the Detroit techno scene 1993-95. I love this site.

Anything I can do to convince you we're not using your data wrongly?

I'm sure you aren't.

I just don't want to connect sites together. Would much rather create a separate account at each website like the good old days. Puzzles me why new sites are cannibalizing their potential like this because I can't be alone in this thinking.

Have some sort of alternative sign-up that doesn't require a pre-existing social network account?

This is a huge unexpected request, we'll definitely look more into it. Happy to talk more, just email us 01@helloworld.im

Also, can I note that we're trying to find a javascript dev to work on this with us! Email us - 01@helloworld.im

Good suggestion, we're just trying to get something out there. Email us anything else you come up with 01@helloworld.im

It's worth turning off quite a few people for our chat to use twitter handles. The conversation is quite different thanks to a bit of transparency.

Limiting your audience from "fans of electronic music" to "fans of electronic music with twitter accounts (willing to trust us with access their data)" is quite a few people.

Why do you need access to DM's?

it's actually a default setting on twitter for read-only access which is disappearing in the next couple of weeks.

Ah Ok. I thought they'd made that change already. Good to know.

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