Has anyone had a problem accurately measuring ads performance for a SaaS product?
I certainly did with my own business, and it's an incredibly painful problem to solve!
I almost gave up running ads because I was getting very confusing results!
In a SaaS, conversions are much harder to track:
* because of long sales funnels
* LTV can be very different for customers coming from ads
* churn can be higher
* so much more...
It's a mess and it's difficult to decide which ad you should spend more money on if you don't have a clear picture of what's happening.
Tracking it down to each visitor makes it super clear.
I'm looking for a few more fellow founders or their marketing team to add to our Beta program. Want in?
Guys, do you realize there are 12 classes to define 1 frickin default button? When all you need is btn btn-primary this tailwind CSS thing seems like a bunch of nonsense to me.
Sure it's great to see a lot of ready made html components and it's tempting to just grab one and get a head start - and it might just work well for a landing page (I've used tailwind exactly for this) but for full blown applications? Using these components is just madness.
Thanks santa boy
How hard was it for you to do social outreach and how did that work for you? Did you find any good friends?
I am in the process of delegating stuff to another person in the team because a lot of the anxiety for me comes from those boring but important things like accounting and such.
Fire away and move on.
Time you dedicate asking around is wasted money for your company.
Learn from your mistakes and try to avoid a bad hire in the future.