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There was speculation whether a baseball player was actually behind his interpreters’ gambling scandal.

There are various comments about fixing matches.

There’s a meme/“theory” in retail options trading about “max pain”. Wherein, the stock price will move as to maximize the total amount people lose on options.

This is just a fancy way of saying defenders have to defend every entrypoint vs attackers who only have to find a single point of weakness.

Well, as the aphorism goes, the best defense is a good offense. Of course Microsoft and Google have security projects which aim to disrupt organized hacking groups, but maybe they need to go further? Like using honey pots to back-feed zero-day exploits (maybe even ones that have been engineered into Google/Microsoft/et al.'s products) to attacker's machines? Go full black-hat (with some sort of plausible deniability) and ransomware the ransomwarers.

As I type this, I realize it sounds a bit like some of the evil all-powerful corporations in sci-fi, although they usually also go to the lengths of assassinating their enemies.

Wouldn’t any form of digital offence mainly be a waste of resources? The reasoning behind this is that the attacker has nothing to lose. What would you ransomeware? Cheap hardware which likely isn’t even owned by the attacker?

"Hacking back" has gotten hackers into jail in the past.

> assassinating their enemies

Well, Google no longer has a mandate of “don’t be evil” and Microsoft never did…

Asymmetry of defense, if you will.

He has a lavish lifestyle and France is the capital of luxury

And rats

Some of them are even chefs! But you can't point out this association anymore: people who don't like it will be angry and hit the downvote button.

Indeed. But I legit have never seen as many rats as in the area around the Eiffel Tower.

Pretty much all non-Japanese food in Japan is some form of “cultural appropriation” to the extent that it plays into stereotypes/tropes Japanese people expect from that given “cuisine”. For example, Italian would consist of lots of cheese. Japanese “Italian” food is in a category of its own. In this case, it would be actual appropriation because it’s made by Japanese people rather than the given ethnic minority putting a spin on their cuisine. Best comment I’ve ever read on Reddit is that the Japanese don’t like cheese, they like the concept of cheese. Japanese people can’t stand strong smells nor spice, so that already greatly restricts the authenticity of food.

The exception would be if the restaurant is catering specifically or exclusively to the immigrant population. I’ve found this to be common in Vietnamese restaurants where it’s just a community hangout spot for the migrant workers.

Since you live in Yokohama, the entire town plays on stereotypes and tropes of what Japanese think of Chinese. Namely, all the fortune teller shops since the Japanese think Chinese people are mystical (the Western version is fortune telling machines feature an automata wearing a Turban or Gypsies).

Thanks for the response. I mostly agree with you about the food, but not about Yokohama. Chinatown is a tiny, atypical part of Yokohama; the vast majority of the city, including where I live, has nothing to do with stereotypes of Chinese. Also, Japanese views of China and of Chinese people are, for better or worse, diverse and complex, and mysticalness and fortune-telling play little to no role for most people.

I was in Japan the past two weeks and coming from NYC I wanted to try some pizza. So while in Sapporo I tried pizza at the Kirin beer garden (maybe Sapporo? I was drunk) and was disappointed. The cheese was a small pat in each quadrant and bland, similar to polly-o, the sauce lacked flavor which tasted like jar sauce, and the crust was under cooked. Then in Tokyo wandering the Ueno shopping district I found a small Italian joint that also had pizza. Same issues as my experience in Sapporo but the dough was almost uncooked in the center.

I will say they got the look of pizza down but none of the flavor and texture is all wrong. Feels more like a quick and dirty homemade pizza using cheap canned super market ingredients. Maybe they need a fat guy named Sal from Queens to lend a hand. Maybe they just dont like the flavor or texture of proper pizza.

Congrats, you learned what it’s like to live in Japan and be eternally disappointed with pizza. Swap burritos and the same experience mostly fits.

Was one of the more annoying parts of living there. You’d often have a place open, they’d get it “right”, then it either closes or they slowly change the food to fit the Japanese palette over time and the dish becomes a weird mirage.

There are a few exceptions - but that’s few and far between.

I suppose the stronger garlic and onion flavors along with oregano isn't appealing to the Japanese pallet.

I had lasagna in Sri Lanka once and had an similar experience. Looked like it, tasted nothing like it.

It's like the only thing they had to go on was a picture of what lasagna looks like.

> Pretty much all non-Japanese food in Japan is some form of “cultural appropriation”

Pretty much all food everywhere is cultural appropriated to some degree--authenticity when it comes to cuisine is essentially a meaningless term.

Seems like Chipotle provided private jets too


Well, some of the commentary are low quality and more akin to Reddit, but that’s a trend of HN in general.

When we have RIP threads for people in Computer Scientists, atleast that’s within industry and people are 1-2 degrees of separation with personal anecdotes. Most of the commentary Akira Toriyama are merely as fans.

This said, there’s been other examples of people who aren’t actually related to Computer Science, but was still trended, such as Ted Kaczynski. This could be the academia / academic bias of HN. On the hand, HN is a forum for entrepreneurship and business. The Dragon Ball franchise is one of the greatest economic exports of Japan.

> On the hand, HN is a forum for entrepreneurship and business.

If HN had been around in the late 80s I think there would have been a lot of people defending the real estate developers who inspired a particular DBZ villain.

If there was an AI armageddon, this would be how it starts

How about with a crossbow?

My understanding that even with crossbow the hunter is in no danger. Going with a knife against a large deer would probably be something that may start to feel like a small achievement.

forgot to mention, that because of its power and thus "un-knightly" character the crossbow was banned in 1096 by the Pope.

bare hands or it's unsporting and even then our superior brains make it an edge case.

Sounds like natural selection. The ones that had that intuition survived, and the ones that didn’t were removed from the gene pool.

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