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no way!

The main flaw behind this blog post is wanting to measure the effectiveness of a pair-programming activity as mere output

If you look at the Documentation section do you manage to find the API post you're looking for?

Hmm If I were to design this... I would make it so that you don't have to replace the entire data source each time... I think a "suggestion" entry in the data source should be represented as it's own entity in the API...


instead of PUT /api/datasource/<UUID> overriding the entire datasource each time..

allow an api user to insert lines of text or rich objects.

POST /api/datasource/<UUID>/suggestion

or support bulk insertion.

POST /api/datasource/<UUID>/suggestion

      { ...
This works better for scaling when you can't just replace all suggestions in one request (like an ETL like operation for a very large dataset). Then you can also allow for updating single "suggestion" entities without replacing the whole dataset.

I also think you should support rich objects, allow for things like boosting rules, different templates for object types, spelling correction, synonyms. I think this type of service would be really useful.

This is a great piece of advice. Thank you very much. I'll try and investigate this opportunity.

Anyway, if you're interested most of the code in the web-service relies on:


Can I use that as description for the service? :)

Sure, why not.

This an API, jQuery autocomplete is a Javascript library. Typeflow is inteded for big amounts of strings to autocomplete. It lets you push a list of strings to the typeflow API and exposes an endpoint for querying it via an HTTP API. You can easily make it working with Twitter Typeahead or jQuery autocomplete leaving the computation of the suggestion to the API.

Thank you for letting me know. I don't have an iOS device handy to try but I'll investigate anyway to make it working on mobile as well. Should work on FF and Chrome desktop though. :)

Same for Android chrome.

I remember the time when I implemented this and even more with a friend, all on our own:


We've never had chance to push this though...

Well unless it is abandoned - you're pushing it right now. And who is this targeting? For me as a "techie" the softpedia doesn't really instil any confidence and actually kind of makes it look cheap.

Actually, I think for older software it is fine for some reason. But in this case it looks strange.

Honestly, Softpedia decided to write a review about it. We didn't even reach out to them.

The project is currently unmaintained, and we may open-source part of it.


Because a hacker felt an itch.

Why not?

Why use two services when you can get the job done with one?

When all you have is a hammer....

If your are paying for a Dropbox account might as well make full use of it.

how about free service?

If you aren't are paying for a Dropbox account might as well make full use of it.

This is awesome resource. Thank you for sharing.

You're welcome!

The author must have been undergoing some bad moments so far. The post seems just the outcome of a more complex series of inputs. Most points are not valid from my own personal point of view but still may have been good points if written in a more objective way.

BTW, the post is gone.

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