Yes. Of course. But what do you do when the top of the stack IS the min? Your new min should change, but you won't have the information to update to the second min unless you do the trick in the article.
If you search for "frontend" on the App Engine Standard Pricing Page [1], it seems like your usage might be exceeding the free tier for frontend instances. Did the load on your app suddenly increase?
I was confused about this too, until a physicist friend pointed out that you can always tell which of the bodies actually did the acceleration to get up near light speed.
Super nitpicky, but... sunrise and sunset are not equally distant from solar noon, because of the eccentricity of Earth's orbit around the Sun. Since the orbit is an ellipse, Kepler's law means that our orbital speed is constantly changing.
Effectively, all storage for production systems at Google goes through this layer. No service is ever interacting with individual disks, even including databases like Spanner.
Google Cloud Storage is a thin-ish layer over this system.