You will find https:/// interesting. e2e encrypted, clients for Windows, Mac, Android & iOS. And chats are synched between all your clients. Also .. no phone number required to sign up; use your email.
Because if it's end to end encrypted each device would either need the same private key to decode the messages or each message is encrypted with each devices public key.
This would require some kind of key exchange i.e. scanning bar codes.
There are probably a million ways to deal with it.
I haven't looked into it at all, but one way I just thought of right now is to have your own devices p2p the message among themselves with original sender's information after the one used most recently receives it.
I've noticed that a new device added to the account will not see the history. It only sees those messages that are received or sent after it has been added to the account.
Why aren't you using Wire ( It is cross platform, end to end secure w/ open source audited crypto, focuses on app usability, and doesn't need a phone number to sign up.
Trust issues with the founders (Skype hardly had a great privacy record); inability to build own APK (because only the crypto is open source) means you can't be sure the code on GitHub is what you're really running.
I had honestly never heard of it before. It looks good, but the website is completely lacking any information about the company which again makes me feel a little bit uneasy. I might try it, though.
Why would a closed source client from a company known to be scummy (looking at what they did to uTorrent) be something anyone should pay any attention to? (FWIW I did check it out, but it wasn't better than Telegram, nor was it better when it was released than Signal is now.)
Users can always revoke their public keys. The same public key does not have to be used continually. Allow users to revoke their keys as often as they like. Heck, force the keys to expire in 1 day if you like! We already expect the sender to be online. The sender can check for key revocation before they send the message. Or let the server send back a error response if the sender used an expired or revoked key to encrypt the message.
Would love to, but am at a university network and will go home in less than 20 minutes. If the Veoh doesn't work, I'll upload to, so you could grab it from there and then torrent it? I agree that it's probably is the best solution.
Rs 98 / month is for 2 GB of EDGE data per month. That is the normal charge in India for every mobile customer. This is not a special tariff for this tablet.
Seconded. I currently live in Bangalore and pay just Rs 400 (about $8) per month for blackberry services + unlimited 3G usage. I had this Rs 98 plan a few years ago when I was in college and didn't have a 3G capable phone.
Wouldn't Facebook massively improve usability by just including the Lists in the drop down list in the web interface also? It is actually not too hard if they approach this incrementally.