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http://zingchart.com renders in HTML5 Canvas and/or SVG, so it will render on older Androids that don't have SVG support. Also VML for auto fallback to IE6 w/out need for ExCanvas.

transparency: I'm on the team. abegin[at]zingchart.com ^Andrew

Have you checked out ZingChart? Transparency: I'm on the team.

Zing renders both Flash and HTML5 Canvas charts. Compatible and customizable + interactive API.

For your consideration: http://www.zingchart.com http://www.zingchart.com/flash-and-html5-canvas/

Shoot me questions at abegin@zingchart.com or http://www.twitter.com/zingchart (Andrew)

The pricing model leaves a little to be desired. If I build an app that others use, i have to contact you? Really?

Yes, at this point we've been working with software developers to make sure we provide the support and licensing model they need.

Thanks for the feedback.

I'm on the ZingChart team - we render charts in both HTML5 and Flash. So far we've gotten great feedback. Our charts are JSON driven and can plot huge data quickly [demo] http://www.zingchart.com/labs/blog_charts/10k_points.html.

http://www.zingchart.com http://www.twitter.com/zingchart

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