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Huh! All this time I thought the "super" was just for branding/differentiation.

Alignment was the original term, but has been largely coopted to mean a vaguely similar looking concept of public safety around the capabilities of current models.

That was definitely part of it.

Not Apple... At least as far as I known.

But Apple now seemed to enter some kind of agreement with OpenAI, not sure if Ilya or OpenAI would want to work together even via proxy.

Firefox doesn't have support for AppleScript and this is crucial to my browser habits/workflow. Both Safari and Chrome/Chromium-based browsers have it. Once/if Firefox adopts it, which I doubt but hope so, I'll consider using it.

Here is the 22 years old ticket: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=125419

There are probably hundreds of macOS specific bugs that Mozilla will never fix.

Firefox is probably the worst browser in the terms of feeling native to macOS.

These aren’t minor, cosmetic issues but glaring omissions in functionality.

Here’s one on the missing support for the macOS password autofill api. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1650212

Safari and Orion are much better options.

> Add AppleScript support and capabilities to Mozilla on Mac OS 9 and X.

That was 3 whole CPU architectures ago, damn.

The irony is using a JavaScript-based static site generator to make the site: https://www.11ty.dev

Not so ironic now - as there aren't really good alternatives to a build step with a static site. But my opinion is that that may change now with the adoption of HTMX for static sites. There doesn't have to be a build step since you don't have to build full pages from their constituting parts.

You do realize that HTMX is a Javascript library?

Of course I do

Nothing ironic here. It's a different domain problem and they're using a different domain solution for it. The generator might simplify an otherwise much more complex problem down to its essence.

The killer feature for me is not being an Electron app.

Neither is kate.

Nor vim nor emacs for that matter.

Yup. I use Emacs since 2002 and am pretty happy with it. Never used an Electron-based app and probably never will.

I don't know anybody who uses Signal and isn't a programmer (on the cryptography/security side) or journalist that needs it in order to work. Anybody else uses Telegram, WhatsApp, or both. SMS if you're in the USA.

My family all use signal as to an compromise of one that I refuse to use WhatsApp.

Add WhatsApp to the list.

As someone who's new to programming and doesn't know Ruby at all, can you (or someone) please explain how it works, what it does, and how would someone use it?

I find it beautiful, tho :)

Load the (built-in) CSV module in Ruby.

Eval the following string as Ruby code.

Create CSV parser with standard input `$<` as the source.

Run the code in the block that follows for each row (automatically skips the CSV header):

    { |r| puts r[0] }
For a row, print the first/0th element. Can be simplified in recent Ruby:

    { puts _1[0] }

Thank you so much! This got me looking at the Ruby documentation about blocks. Very cool feature!

What is MLS?

Messaging Layer Security: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messaging_Layer_Security -- basically TLS for messaging apps

I would love to see this money ($30M) being given to Andreas Kling and others behind Ladybird (the browser from SerenityOS). I'm pretty sure in 1-2 years they would have a better browser than the current Firefox.

This is fantastic but I can't see myself using it simply because it uses Electron.

I'm sure there's worse hiding beneath the covers of some apps you use on a regular basis; e.g. Teams, Office, most AA/AAA games, etc. While Electron is far from optimal, just because a great app is built on top of it doesn't make that app any less great.

As an example, although I do have a prejudice against Electron based apps myself, that doesn't prevent me from using VSCode, which itself is based on Electron. VSCode is pretty great, and I'm not going to not use it simply because it uses Electron.

Yeah but it all adds up. Go look at the top energy, memory, cpu consuming apps in Activity Monitor.

The top offenders are all electron based.

Okay so we need the chat apps and the coding apps to be electron, those are always running.

Okay now VPN apps need electron for some reason, okay now this scripting app needs it, okay those have to run all the time.

Shit where'd my battery life and memory go? Oh the 6 electron apps running nonstop.

Using electron generally means 10x cpu, energy, and memory usage. I'd say that is less great all on its own.

Hey 10x of zero is still zero. :p

Definitely, but those are large and complex applications. This is a fancy dropdown.

I agree. web browsers need to become a service in the OS that can securely be shared. Electron apps are crap until that happens.

They already are – there's a system webview on Windows and macOS. There are a few "Electron alternatives" that use the system webview instead of bundling a copy of Chromium. Tauri [0] is one of them, built around Rust, and it's pretty great. I built a video editor with it.

The usual complaint against this is that you have to support multiple browsers (Edge/Chromium on Windows, Safari on Mac).

0: https://tauri.app

Are those services or just shared libraries? I would imagine, although I'm not sure this is the case, that 50 tabs in a browser consume fewer resources than 50 individual WebViews.

They already are on android, iOS, and windows.

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