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Just one problem?

I know a bunch of companies are packaging chips, displays etc in the US but are surely not even remotely at the scale Apple needs.

In reality the industry would probably need to re-tool multiple manufacturing capabilities involving multiple disciplines to the massive scale required. This is not impossible but it’s going to cost and it will take entire tech ecosystems and supply chains to be built. At least five years to a decade to be actually considered “operational”. Maybe this is the end goal: investment needs to occur and pressuring Apple is the way to start.

Maybe Trump is trying to get Apple incentivised to repatriate some of the ocean of cash they have.


Chapter 7 bankruptcy (?) is probably the only way forward for most folks after a certain point.

I’m not sure what I’d do if I was presented with a $150k bill for snake bite. https://www.wideopencountry.com/actual-cost-rattlesnake-bite...

I’m fairly sure the US health system is broken, https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/09/09/the-c...

The prices aren’t even related to cost of materials or time or even linked to inflation. Maybe patents or research costs are included, maybe not. It’s all a game between hospitals and financial companies.

Sort of like student loans...

Short answer: Yes.

Survival is a very low bar. Going bankrupt qualifies as surviving since being alive along with having faith in the future can be enough to rebound successfully. Plenty of millionaires exist now because they learnt from failure from bad luck or poor execution of a plan.

Whether we taxpayers will be able to bail out various institutions that should have failed dismally last time is another matter. According to the article, banks are better off now but that remains to be seen. Nothing like reality to expose a gap in planning or regulations. Multiple institutions have likely not learnt their lesson and are probably unbalanced or unstable right now.

The downturn is likely already happening in some sectors in some obscure way and what the flashpoint will be is anyone’s guess. Possibly student loans but that’s a slow burn safely covered by the government and people who can’t escape paying so it’s effectively already bailed out. Might be the unpaid pensions which are already hitting the budgets of multiple states. Petrodollar consequences may be a factor since it might cause moneyprinting to be less effective.

Interesting times ahead I’m sure.

Does Saul do “no win no fee”?

Tough crowd. No sense of humour.

Or kids playing football with no scores shown. The mind boggles.

The mind boggles. That's a fair comment. Here's the logic: Young children are obsessed with winning and losing. If you coach a game and say it was a draw or that you didn't keep score they will insist that one or the other side lost - even if it is their side.

The problem is that they are not always able to keep some kind of perspective on this obsession unlike most adults. So they may either start playing in a very defensive way, or just always give the ball to the big guy on their team. In general this means that they fail to explore and express themselves and develop skills. In the worst case they just drop out.

So the aim of de-emphasising the winning at a young age is so that you develop winners in the long run. New Zealand, the world champions in rugby, do this. The end product is a ruthless winning machine.

Children are not small adults, mentally or physically and most coaches have to be taught this explicitly (including me)

This is getting off topic, but here we are...

I’ve seen the opposite on several occasions. I saw one kid (not mine) at a “no win” game get taken off the field for putting his hands up in the air celebrating a goal. I asked about this and was told he was “too competitive”. That kid played very differently the rest of the afternoon and I noticed he held back as did his 12yo teammates. Since I was keeping score, I noticed his side lost. Badly.

It will be interesting to see the long term results of this. Hopefully the “no win” logic produces better technique and play style. After all the whole point of good sportsmanship is that others will want to play future games with players.

Having umpired many games it’s often the parents who are the bad sports. I’ve actually banned some parents from even attending for multiple games due to bad behaviour. One parent turned up on my doorstep attempting to berate me and when I later reported the incident they got a reprimand from the principal.

Agree completely about parents. Also I think that was extreme about not celebrating a goal. We did keep score, because the kids keep score in their heads anyway, but at a young age we didn't emphasize it and there were no trophies or medals.

Good to have another tool for csv debris management. Especially those multigigabyte gifts that need to be in the database “yesterday”. This has happened several days or weeks in a row more times than I can count. And no, people won’t provide such things in sqlite or something sane.

I feel like I should also recommend this: https://digital-preservation.github.io/csv-validator/

I think something like this rewritten in go would be great.

> I think something like this rewritten in go would be great.

Why not use it how it is? There are static binaries provided on github.

Isn’t that Java? Not everyone wants java on their server, I’d like something in c or rust. Good project for a few weekends work.

People who don’t interact with politicians and often don’t vote can’t have an opinion about anything political. They are not in the game. Fortunately this is easy to fix.

Power is never taken. It can only be given. That’s why threats of violence from the would-be rulers are usually necessary. A few people having power over the many is because the many don’t scare the few.

Potentially? They already have. Now they’re just linking things because they’re wanting easier and convenient access as well as “terms of service” clarity.

I think it’s safe to say google etc don’t require cookies to track you. And they’ve already mapped out any secondary gmail accounts you have. And they have your complete browser history joined from all devices they’ve stitched into your shadow profile which you can’t delete or access. Incognito mode is only good for the little spy guy graphic.

This is the 21st century - all activity is logged for future sale.

Get a job: don’t tell or show recruiter how desperate you are. Don’t tell recruiter you’re homeless. Work on portfolio of projects. GitHub.

Shelter: Get a van. Live in it. Boondocking is better than the cardboard box or couch surfing.

Food: Noodles. Vegetables. Rice. Chicken.

Tech: android tablets can run Linux and can support mouse and keyboard. Tablets are easier than laptops to charge. Laptops can do more. Trade offs.

Security: get some money into bank account ASAP. Make it a regular habit. Any money you’d put into alcohol etc put it into bank account. This is your safety net. Start from zero.

Street address: get a mailing address. Parents/friends may be able to help. You only need to visit. post office box can help as well but costs money.

Relationships: be careful. Your safety net is likely not strong enough to tolerate much failure. Counter argument: having someone else around can help in little ways.

Decisions: think critically. Need versus Want.

Mental health: read autobiographies. Read fiction. Read. Improve all gaps that seem easy to fix. Understand that homelessness is a hole you can dig yourself out of.

Health: teeth, hair etc hygiene is king. Drop any kind of drug other than coffee. Alcohol etc will make you an easy target.

Small steps.

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