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This doesn't seem to open in Firefox on OSX for me. Anyone else facing an issue?

Worked on Firefox 54.0 on macOS 10.2.5 for me. Though it was incredibly slow, taking 5-10 seconds to load for me. (And also just updated and Firefox 55.0 works too)

The site runs abysmally for me (Firefox/Win10). It's on the verge of crashing my browser.

Ditto for me. Chrome on MacBook Pro is grinding to a halt.

Berkeley undergrands have a special talent for building pretty websites that are terribly underperformant.

I say this with the utmost respect; I built a few of those as an undergrad too. :)

(And yes, it's obviously not just us Berkeley folks.)

Haha, thanks for the feedback. We're gonna redesign soon so we'll make sure it's performant next time. :)

May I suggest HTML? It's a revolutionary new technology developed by CERN that's accessible on virtually all web browsers.

That's not-invented-here at Berkeley.

Curious to know how Dubai international airport got the code DXB. It doesn't seem to make sense.

DUB is Dublin. I guess they could have used DBI....

My first go at such a thing. I couldn't figure out how to put the text in an arc format with only css(found some js libraries though) so I didn't add that.

That would have actually been his MVP. But seeing as he could develop the tech so fast, he did have the option to develop the technology first itself. And he did get a lot of text messages in the first 24 hours itself!

But, for someone who wouldn't be able to get the tech out so quickly, an MVP(here, text messages to your phone and manual printing) is the ideal thing. Even he could have benefitted because the product would be out in like a day itself and he could see if it was popular enough to work on it further.

This, after many Americans called Miss America Nina Davuluri an Arab and a terrorist. This is very saddening to the say the least.

Not "many" Americans. A few. Probably fewer than a hundred on a couple of social media sites.

The problem is even the hundred odd Americans making such comments on a couple of mainstream social networking sites is disconcerting. These people actually did put up such comments. Who knows how many others exist who did not publicly make such comments just so they were politically corrext?

Well yes. But show me a country of 300 million or so where you cant round up a sizable mob of knuckle-dragging morons. It reflects poorly on them, but the fact that it was a story at all is due to the context in which it was presented (I found out about it on the Daily Show and posts to my facebook) because most Americans found it embarassing and absurd.

I wish reporters and pundits would just quit mining twitter for stupid quotes. It is like shooting fish in a barrel. It means exactly nothing that a couple of hundred, or even thousand, people said something dumb on twitter.

What this judge said is definitely newsworthy. Some random anonymous user on twitter who is probably trolling, stoned or both saying something means bupkis.

Although I did get a laugh out of Colbert's take - "705 people saw a woman in a bikini and thought, 'Muslim Extremist.'"


Free speech still stands. No one is stopping you from being stupid. Obviously when one is a public official, racism/idiocy in this situation comes into play and the person gets kicked out of office.Also being an Arab as far as I know is not a slur. One is not supposed to know every damn ethnicity that exists.

Also being an Arab as far as I know is not a slur.

Context is everything. They didn't just idly identify her as an arab as in "Wow, an arab finally won Miss America" - they called her an arab as part of a larger effort to associate her with terrorism and debase her as being less of a person and therefore undeserving of winning.

Just because a racist is illogical in their hatred doesn't make their hatred any less real.

Thanks for clarifying. To reiterate my point, I think the way free speech ideally should work is that you are technically free to be stupid. Don't be surprised if you get fired from your job. That is the responsibility you take on for spouting your opinion. That however does not mean that is something "sad" or "awful" which the parent post was implying. It simply is a function of outliers existing in a distribution of people. I am sure I can pick such outliers in any country of your choice.

A mistake in identifying her ethnicity is fine. But what they did was call her an Arab to associate her with terrorism and thus insult her.

Free speech does exist. But do remember that any free country also stipulates that the freedom comes with the responsibility that you do not use your freedom to hurt others.

> Free speech does exist. But do remember that any free country also stipulates that the freedom comes with the responsibility that you do not use your freedom to hurt others.

There is a distinction between "hurting someone" as in "yelling fire" in a crowded theatre to "hurting someone" as in going on twitter and spouting random crap. Sure, you can sue for emotional damages or whatever if you please. However, it really is not the same thing. At least the way it works in America. I know that in some European countries, one's free speech rights are limited (e.g. when it comes to holocaust denial or whatever).

Free speech does exist. But do remember that any free country also stipulates that the freedom comes with the responsibility that you do not use your freedom to hurt others.

Joe Random twitter user can't hurt anyone by being an asshole on twitter.

The real free speech issue here is that freedom of speech runs both ways -- you are free to speak out and everyone else is free to speak out and criticize you for what you said.

What do you think free speech has to do with this?

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