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More elegant: leak the OS build itself, so that the specific attack vector they warned about comes to pass.

What is the incentive to mine the real estate blockchain? Does it pay out a free house every 10 minutes?

Probably transaction fees? There's no reason a blockchain must be self-funded through proof-of-work mining.

To my understanding, the expected future state of Bitcoin is that the role currently filled by miners will be replaced by transaction processors who take a fee to do the work.

It's not about the mining!!!! Block chain is about having an immutable, non-repudiatable transaction record.

Block chain is a wheel.... guess what, wheels have uses far beyond the Pharaoh's war chariots. Like, you know, bicycles and automobiles. Stop conflating block chain and crypto-currency.

It is about the mining though. The mining is what makes the blockchain immutable. How do you propose making it immutable without that feature?

There are two ways to secure a ledger. Mining, and accountable BFT like Tendermint.

or even venus

"You'll see why 1984 won't be like Nineteen Eighty-Four." - Apple, 1984.

No true scotsman, indeed.

Counterargument: "No true Christian" could ever kill an enemy - Jesus was clear in this: turn the other cheek, die on the cross if need be, forgive 70 times 7 times, etc. In my sect, Christianity is totally pacifist. All true Christians are pacifists.

So there's no reason for any Muslim to harbor any enmity against any Christians, because no Christians have ever once harmed a Muslim (by my definition of Christians).


And so we're back to square one, arguing over who's really a Scotsman....

Which "America" is the one that benefits from secrecy?

America depends on an informed populace in order to guide its representative government.

Feed the population lies and hide secrets, and break democracy.

I have long agreed with this theory.

There's a reason why the right is like that IMO, and it gets down to this diagram:


It is my opinion that people naturally care mostly about themselves, then the people closest to them, and less about people on the other side of the world. It is also my opinion (referring to the diagram) that the closer you are to being the person with the "need", the more effectively and efficiently you can address the need.

So in general, a person is best able to help themselves, less able to help the people closest to them, and even less able to help others. This can be envisioned as rings of concentric circles, where each larger circle represents more and more people, but less and less sphere of influence or ability to understand the "needs".

Along with that goes trust. The closer you are to someone (literally and figuratively) the more trust you will have. So these concentric rings are also rings of trust. I can count on my wife to be there for me when it's time to have my butt wiped. You, who I've never met, probably won't even offer help out. When my BFF tells me something, I automatically believe it, because after 30 years, AFAIK he's never lied to me. When a stranger on the street tells me something, I'm hard-pressed to even pay attention.

So if someone is close to you, then not only can you assess / relate to that person's needs, but you can also trust that person not to abuse your generosity.

So in a family or among close friends, communism (from each according to ability, to each according to need) is usually the norm and usually works fine. What's mine is yours. Mi casa es su casa. I know you, you know me, we won't hurt each other.

But in the world, capitalism / plutocracy / might makes right is the norm. As distasteful as it is, and as much as I understand that the people on the other side of the world desperately need my money, I'm much more inclined to give it to my wife, or friend, because I have far more trust that it will be used effectively and efficiently. And I have to also consider that, being someone very foreign to me, that you might be hostile to me, and use my generosity against me. So sorry, if I don't know you, you're on your own.

That's why I like to call myself a "micro communist" and "macro capitalist."

Now in reality of course I offer kindness to strangers because I'm not a sociopath.

But let's be honest: the kindness I show a homeless man (a dollar or two, or a meal) is not the kindness I show my wife or child (my kidney, my home, my life).

Agreed, except that the marginal value of money is exponentially higher for the poorest people in the world. For example, the Against Malaria foundation can save a life for approximately $2838 [1] pre-tax dollars. The people closest to you do not need your money that badly.

[1] http://www.givewell.org/international/top-charities/amf#Cost...

> I hope Apple finds a compromise where they can help get this specific data without risking leaking a compromised OS.

I want pharmaceuticals without side effects, and real doughnuts that don't make you fat.

Seriously, you are asking for "A" and "not-A" in one sentence. Take your pick. Are you willing to get this one phone unlocked so badly that you would be OK with nobody having security? Because that's what you're asking for, whether you realize it or not.

Perhaps you're not technically deep enough to see other solutions.

Perhaps you are trying to disagree with a point by conflating it.

> would only load and execute on the SUBJECT DEVICE

You're wrong because any image that can be installed on the SUBJECT DEVICE can be modified to be installed on OTHER DEVICES.

Fighting will probably impact the bottom line.

As in, improve it.

Tim Cook is probably more popular than Obama (and surely is WRT this issue.) Apple is about a thousand times more popular than the NSA and blessed with almost infinitely deep pockets and a very, very good marketing team.

Not to mention the fact that most of the people who use computers and phones don't even live in the USA.

Unfortunately, the NSA/FBI likely have far more money than Apple, and if Apple spends too much, their shareholders can demand that leadership backs down.

Tim Cook is responsible to his BoD and shareholders.

The NSA has an annual budget of ~10B, the FBI even less.

In comparison, Apple had a net income of ~50B in 2015.

Let that sink in for a moment.

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