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Does it come with the tools, onboard, needed to build apps for it?

No? Then its not a platform that will get my support.

Any new device in the modern era which requires permission from a third party in order for its owners to do whatever they want with it, is not a device worth supporting.

No matter how sexy it may seem, if you need permission to do something on the device, you are not the primary customer - your personal agency is being commoditized and re-sold.

Just, no. End technological feudalism, end the hegemony.

Demand development tools which free the user-developer and the platform.

Are you sure you're not overlooking the fact that the use case you describe is exactly what was intended by the engineers who designed this airship?

Its portable, and meant to be brought into a cave, for the case where caverns and halls are found, and need to be further explored safely.

> the one time when this would be helpful is when you enter a space with an extremely high ceiling

Yes, that is the intended use case.

What are some of the issues?

popups are windows. selecting+copying text from the results-table does not work the first time. clicking in the left pane on a connection sometimes picks the wrong one (really weird this one as it is not consistent). i only see the standard wayland icon (not the worst).

Sorry for the dumb question, but what is the significance of this issue, "popups are windows"? Has something changed in Wayland which makes child windows unworkable?

Why dumb? Just a question to me, I gladly elaborate.

If I loose a connection I used to get a little popup in the bottom right corner when I try to execute a query, explaining why it's not executing.

They now popup in the middle of the screen and are much larger. I remember I had to close them by hand at some point, but maybe I'm wrong because I just reproduced it and they closed themselves quickly.

Only this little popups annoy me. The bigger child windows behave the same.

(The 2-3 child windows that show on app startup --flash, tip-of-the-day, and another one-- are quite annoying though and according to my colleagues it's not possible to enforce a setting that stop them from showing; but these were already annoying on Xorg)

Ah, I understand - this is happening as part of Apples' crusade to rid the world of popup menus. Thanks for the details - I encounter little fiddly issues like this with my own apps, so its good context.

Just to confirm - this happens with the older version of DBeaver, running on the newer version of MacOS, right? You didn't upgrade DBeaver, meanwhile, I assume?

Plenty of people have written books that confirm/deny the efficacy of the Waterfall model.

But in the meantime, there are far, far many more folks - by significant orders of magnitude - who have written software with the Waterfall model.

Far, far more.

The fact that it is still with us, and can still be used quite effectively sort of leads credence to the idea that those who can, do, while those who can't, teach (or write books about it).

I long ago gave up any faith in the "ADHD"/"Autism" religion, which has all the mechanics of a cult, and just decided to live my life without the labels given to our society by Nazi scientists.

It has been a huge relief, and frankly a major deal-breaker with regards to escaping the destructive feedback-loop of self-evaluation/comparison with others. The for-profit "ADHD"/"Autism" industry does not have the individuals' best interests at heart - it does, instead, wish to perpetuate its own culture - which fundamentally boils down to classism and authoritarianism, wrapped in a velvet glove of narcissistic self-loathing.

If this offends you, you're probably in that cult. Just think about it a bit more - in what way does it help you, personally, to evaluate another person and label them with these conditions - does it help you position your own life in such a way that you have a 'relevant' context, or does it fix a handle to that person with which you can further manipulate them? Just stop. Take a deep breath. Nobody in the world is helped by these labels.

>Currently, I look accomplished to people, but I don’t feel accomplished.

See, this is what I'm talking about. To which people do you 'look accomplished'? This kind of navel-gazing is self-destructive.

A cure for this behaviour is to take a long journey to another culture, step outside the total authority of the culture that makes you think this way, and re-evaluate the fundamental mechanics of your life. Your autism or ADHD can be cured with one week in a village, away from the machine, learning to catch and cook your own food, find your own shelter, dig your own latrine. It doesn't matter what 'mental illness' you think you have in comparison to others in your society - everyone needs to eat, sleep and shit - and that feeling of safety you feel you lack is going to be strengthened once you live in a jungle for a while.

In the jungle, "ADHD"/"Autism" are only as relevant as they provide you with food, water, shelter, sleep. Go live in it for a while, even if its just a vacation, and you'll feel much, much better about things. I promise.

(Note: fully expecting to be downvoted into oblivion for this, but it doesn't matter. I've got my next trip to the jungle scheduled already. The only thing I care about is that someone, somewhere out there, also has that jungle trip in their mind, on the horizon. I'm sure some of you will see this before the text fades into the collective, reactive oblivion...)

I recently built an always-on recording device, primarily for recording audio consistently and constantly - this is not for surveillance purposes, but rather for musicians and creatives who don't want to have to remember to press the Record button in the middle of a great performance. I used the Zero-W and some tricky shell scripts pushing arecord/aplay around, with a turboLua front-end, and .. it works pretty well!

I set it up to record continuously, deleting audio content only once it gets 'stale' as per the users preferences, with options ranging from 1 minute - 5 minutes - 15 minutes - 30 minutes - 1 hour - 3 hours - 5 hours - 24 hours .. and built a front-end to allow the user to Keep the time-period they feel they might have captured something great. This heuristic is somewhat similar to the deadman-switch/security-camera mechanism used in a lot of surveillance products.

It works so well, I kind of wonder why its not really a standard already. I guess there is still a kind of 'economy preference' where folks don't really want to fill up their storage space, but these days 128Gigs can go a long way.

I'm pretty sure this heuristic should become a norm, one of these days. Its so inspiring to set up, forget, and then - after a few hours of jamming - come back and find the stuff you want to keep, having all the rest of the house-keeping done for you.

>trying to hire mediocre people

It should be "always retain A-players". You can hire as many ABC's as you like - some of those C's will become B's and A's, and some of the B's will become A's, and the rest .. you let go with severance.

Thats the free market, baby. Live with it, or perish.

Try to think about why you might want to do that. It makes a lot of sense, but if you're not doing it, that might be enlightening...

On the flipside, IDE's can turn you into lazy, inefficient programmers by doing all the hand-holding for you.

If your feelings are anemic when tasked with doing a grep, its because you have lost a very valuable skill by delegating it to a computer. There are some things the IDE is never going to be able to find - lest it becomes the development environment - so keeping your grep fu sharpened is wise beyond the decades.

(Disclaimer: 40 years of software development, and vim+cscope+grep/silversearcher are all I really need, next to my compiler..)

    > lazy... programmers
Since when was that a bad thing? Since time immemorial, it has been hailed as a universal good for programmers to be lazy. I'm pretty sure Larry Wall has lots of jokes about this on Usenet.

Also, I can clearly remember switching from vim/emacs to Microsoft Visual Studio (please, don't throw your tomatoes just yet!). I was blown away by IntelliSense. Suddenly, I was focusing more on writing business logic, and less time searching for APIs.

This is the wrong type of lazy.

Command line tools like grep are force multipliers for programmers. GUI's come with the risk of not being able to learn how to leverage this power. In the end, that often leads to more manual work.

And today, bash is a lingua franca that you can bring with you almost everywhere. Even Windows "speaks" bash these days, with WSL.

In itself, there's nothing wrong with using the built-in features of a GUI. Right-clicking a method (or using a keyboard shortcut) to find the definition in a given code base IS nice for that particular operation.

But by knowing grep/awk/find/git command line and so on, combined with bash scripting and advanced regular expressions, you open up a new world of possibilities.

All those things CAN be done using Python/C#/Java or whatever your language is. But a 1-liner in bash can be 10-100 lines of C#.

Where does this stupid notion come from that using powerful tools means you can't handle the less powerful ones anymore? Did your skills with a hand screwdriver atrophy when you learned how to use a powered screwdriver? Come on.

I use grep multiple times a day. I write bash scripts quite often. I'm not speaking from a position of ignorance of these tools. They have their place as a lowest common denominator of programming tools. But settling for the lowest common denominator is not a path to productivity.

Doesn't mean you should forget your skills, but it does mean you should investigate better tools. And leverage them. A lot.

> But a 1-liner in bash can be 10-100 lines of C#.

Yes. And the reverse is also true. bash is fast and easy if there's an existing tool you can leverage, and slow and hard when there's not.

Yes? That's a pretty basic phenomenon. When I started using calculators, my mental math declined. When I started typing, my handwriting got way worse.

The OP was saying "use IDEs but don't stop using lower tech tools, because they are powerful"

Precisely. Though there is a caveat.

Every person, including devlopers, have some constraints to what they're able to learn and use effectively. Those limits vary a lot from person to person, though.

For developers who learn technology a bit slowly (compared to some other developers, not the general population), some of these tools may not be worth the effort.

Also, these developers aren't necessarily low tier in terms of business value. They may have talents when it comes to understanding and communicating business requirements with other stakeholders in their organization, and their technical skills may be secondary to those skills and abilities.

BUT: For the general audience at HN, technical capability is central to their identity. Most people here have some capacity to learn technologies that go somewhat beyond the minimum skills required for a tech job. And for this audience, being confident on the linux/unix command line is generally worth the effort.

I count the IDE and stuff like LSP as natural extensions of the compiler. For sure I grep (or equivalent) for stuff, but I highly prefer statically typed languages/ecosystems.

At the end of the day, I'm here to solve problems, and there's no end to them -- might as well get a head start.

> If your feelings are anemic

I'm not feeling anemic. The tool is anemic, as in, underpowered. It returns crap you don't want, and doesn't return stuff you do want.

My grep-fu is fine. It's a perfectly good tool if you have nothing better. But usually you do have something better.

Using the wrong tool to make yourself feel cool is stupid. Using the wrong tool because a good tool could make you lazy shows a lack of respect for the end result.

Leveraging technology is good thing

Huh? I have an old hand-powered drill from my Grandpa in my workshop. I used it once for fun. For all other tasks I use a powered drill. Same for IDEs. They help your refactor and reason about code - both properties I value. Sure, I could print it and use a textmarker, but I'm not Grandpa

Knowing the bash ecosystem translates better to how you use the knife in the kitchen.

Sure you can replace most uses of a knife with power tools, but there is a reason why most top chefs still rely on that knife for most of those tasks.

A hand powered drill is more like a hand powered meatgrinder. It has the same limitation as the powered versions, and is simply a more primitive version.

Likewise, it was an instant-close for me ..

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