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Always ironic how many trackers are blocked when reading such articles

This. Unit Test should not connect to external service imo.

And I do not get the gripe with a production rate limit tbh.

Rate limits are of course fine. I think token level limits make more sense, because application level limits force the consumer to either to track a rate window across asynchronous processes or make the calls synchronously. But, I mean, that's fine too. Think it's just like OAuth1a, fine in itself but add enough of these things on top of one another, and you've created a technical hurdle that's just too difficult to leap.

Same. I’d be more worried about an API with no rate limit. Say if another customer ships a bug that DoS’s the API on accident.

I would think a user token level limit would prevent this, although I could imagine a case where a bug simultaneous affected all user tokens, but I'd imagine you'd set that app level limit pretty high because otherwise you'd be making life very difficult for legitimate use cases.

I have the same experience. I bought a System76 darter pro, it comes with a linux pre-installed. I've been using it on and of for a year now but cannot 'give up' my mac: - It is not stable at all; weekly complete freezes - The key-bindings are a joke. Even after remapping and hacking stuff - bluetooth support sucks, sometimes it works for days, then it will not reconnect and keep spewing errors. - Sound drivers seems buggy, it takes 20-30s to 'switch' to a BT speaker. - I cannot for the life of me figure out how to install Ruby 'correctly' via apt.


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"You're a joke."


"Only rich spoiled brats spend 5k on a laptop that would otherwise cost 1k"

Not this again. A fully tricked out MBP 16" costs $6699. RRP for a Lenovo equivalent is $8,894. Dell doesn't sell anything that matches, but equivalent spec is $3,894.99 (MBP 16" $4199). System 76 - $3,174 with a shit display (1080p in a 'high end' laptop is absolutely shocking). Librem 14 (vs MBP 13" for $2299), $2,716 - again, with a really poor screen, but now the Mac has a better processor and significantly better battery life. So, yet again, we illustrate that when you look for equivalent new spec of an Apple device, they cost about the same. There is always manufacturer refurbished or secondhand, much like every other laptop.

"Don't feed egregious comments by replying; flag them instead."


"Didn't have the option to flag, and can't find an option to report 'bugs'."

You have the option to flag - everyone with > 30 karma does.

The site guidelines contain a straightforward way to contact us.

Even if the above sentences weren't true, it's still not ok to break the site guidelines yourself, regardless of what someone else has posted—so please don't do that.

Click the time on the comment (e.g. "2 hours ago") to go to the comment view. There is a "flag" link above the comment now.

Thank you. There wasn't when I clicked.

I believe we are reaching a singularity.

Like 90% of content is written by marketeers for bots. SEO they call it. Now we can take out the middle man. Bots writing crap for other bots. And then we use that content to train more bots to write even crappier blog spam. And finally the bots decide the actual recipe is no longer needed on the recipe blogs and they kick us of the internet.

I wish it were possible to break down how much of twitter is bots reading other bots and then creating content for bots. They would never admit to how many 'users' are this but it has to be significant

Dude it took me a couple days to think about this but now it's clicking...

In a way, humans are about to lose the Internet.

While there are some nice open solutions out there, pine64 etc, one thing I'd like to see in more open projects is high quality.

I have a Pinebook Pro & an System76 Darter laptop. I use neither because the build quality is weak. Things like a proper trackpad, decent resolutions etc. Basically, I want a Macbook Air, but open-ish. And I'd gladly pay the 'premium' for it. Hell, that Darter was more expensive than a pretty decked out MBA & it is a heap of cheap plastics.

If the hardware was there, I wouldn't mind having to out some more effort in to getting a proper Linux distro running properly/

neat! I tried a nice android phone last year and it was such a shit experience that I returned it within 24h. This was 100% because google.

Also, this can go suck it with his ' a phone that caters to those concerned about their privacy makes very little sense.' bs. That is exactly the shit attitude take lets these cunts win.

What is it about Google apps that made the Android phone unusable?

I have a personal Android phone where I don’t use the default Google apps and feel really good about control over my data.

Google is constantly running the the background collecting you location data. you can't stop it

But so does your mobile carrier.

What is the exact concern that you have?

typical vice.com click bait. They compiled an existing malware platform for the M1. They did not write anything new or exploited actual issues/features of the M1

ah yes, the 'just get a better job' argument. smh.

It's easier than the 'just get a better system' argument.

For anyone using pixels: Under the GPDR tracking pixels require explicit consent as they monitor user behaviour. This _cannot_ be covered with any implicit forms of consent like 'you subscribed to the newsletter'.

I wish we'd have lawers sending out cease-and-desist letters to companies that use tracking pixels – just like back in the 2000s there were thousands of lawers that sent us letters when we used KaZaA…

How many complaints have you filed with your local data protection authority about this?

Perhaps because the person that they used as their main source said they completely misquoted him and that he believes it was complete BS?

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