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It's kinda funny and pragmatic at the same time. Soon tanks and planes will be controlled this way too. It will be much easier to train all the gamers for war in reality.

On the other hand, it further "gamifies" war instruments and removes military personnel from their actions.

Former PS3-controller-controlled weapon operator here. I don't think this is accurate at all, for two reasons:

1. The more technology involved, the more audio/video/telemetry is recorded and stored. If we shot somebody, there was ALWAYS a legal review afterward. Your average grunt doesn't face anywhere near that level of scrutiny (not saying they aren't scrutinized, just not to that extent).

2. Despite common preconceptions about military members, exaggerated by Hollywood and not a few knuckleheads, the majority of us are regular people. We have families and a dog, and we don't like to kill people. We do it because we believe it's our duty to keep you safe. Years later, we still cry about it. It's a heavy burden. The X-Box controller doesn't change that.

Saw a document once about red octopuses called red devils that attack in pack during night. Definitely not a fun thought to have.

Turns out the 'red devils' you are referring to are squid not octopuses: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humboldt_squid

It's OK -- I didn't know either, until right now. Thanks for the tip!

Thank you too, i will correct myself for the future XD

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