My comment is compressed even when opened in a brand new browser, and this thread no longer shows up on the News pages at all, at least the first seven pages.
If I'm not mistaken, there has been no reason for this given whatsoever.
"These type of posts"... Posts on incredibly important topics with incredibly active discussion?
I haven't seen one flagged and treated like this since 3 months ago ( - but that's the problem isn't it - we don't see them because they've been flagged.
As I said then, a little transparency isn't too much to ask for a "Hacker Community". And it's really weird how my comment is compressed, even in new browsers, despite having 11 points.
My other comment on this page got 11 points in 6 minutes. But since then, every time I refresh the page my comment shows up as 'compressed' (as if it had been flagged), and it has been been on 11 points every time I've checked (now an hour old).
"I don't mean to 'complain about points' but it's rather absurd to look at the wild swings from +8 to -8 and back again for any of my posts on this topic. It speaks to me that there are at least two 'factions' with very polarizing opinions on this, and the context has turned less from discussion into silencing vs vouching. I certainly don't remember seeing these patterns as strongly 5+ years ago."
I've become increasingly unhappy with the quality of discourse over the last few years, especially on these "fringe" topics. It's doubly sad because I haven't found comparably good levels of discussion that HN sometimes generates, but for these other topics. (Ignoring the additional sadness that I fear by sticking our heads in the sand about anything that smells like politics we're in for a "Very fun" next few decades, I've historically been a strong advocate that to draw a hard line in the sand between "this is tech" and "this is politics" is to abscond a lot of responsibility _every_ expert community should have for the political space they operate in)
>It's impressive that we've fallen so low that we're blaming the Obama administration for not fixing what the Bush administration did.
Why The Fuck shouldn't we, he campaigned on ending that shit. His similar actions on the banking crisis continue to have horrific consequences.
Who gives a fuck about the GOP, we know they're nutso - Obama pretended to be sane though. Obama is also directly responsible for the DNC owing so much money that they were forced to sign a deal with Hillary before the nominations even started.
I'm sick of hearing that I have the politicians I deserve - the amount of money spent by special interests to warp the minds of citizens is at an all time high. The authorities supposed to regulate and hold these people accountable are captured.
And it's all extremely systematic.
The interests of the super-wealthy are aligned against education, cooperation and the health of the planet, and we don't have time for throwing blame at the victims.
Please answer me this question - have your mods flagged this story? It sure is odd how an incredibly active discussion in a fresh story with >100 points is on page 2 behind stale and dead stuff on the front page.
Seems kinda relevant to the topic at hand. Also relevant is how little coverage this story is getting outside of RT - Fucking hmmm.
The BBC are awful. The way they covered Corbyn in the last election was sick and horrifying. They are no longer the example to use in these situations, if they ever really were.
A couple of days ago Alexa gave me a BBC briefing where the newsreader referred to 'President Xi' and 'Mister Trump'. They're not even trying to hide it at this point.
This little collection of essays from the 20s by a chemical engineer is astounding. For anyone interested in cognition, engineering, language, there are mind-blowing insights packed throughout.
He's the guy for whom the Sapir-Whorf hypotheis - that the languages we use can themselves shape what we say and even how we think, an idea I think is 100% true.
Which brings me to one of my favourite scifi epics - the Culture series, the titular people (and machines) of which consciously designed their language Marain to encode desirable aspects of reasonableness and peaceableness according to that very hypothesis. Nice connection!
My comment is compressed even when opened in a brand new browser, and this thread no longer shows up on the News pages at all, at least the first seven pages.
If I'm not mistaken, there has been no reason for this given whatsoever.
Weird weird weird shit.