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Wow – that's one angry gamer. I (sorda) wonder why the (accused) guy's gamer profile was deleted by the company.

The reference to Fiverr.com in this article is classic. Interesting article. Thanks for sharing.

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Why Steven Sinofsky is out at Microsoft: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4780721

Very interesting how you went on to note various speakers – specifically how their speeches seemed so different sans gesticulation. Thanks for sharing. (That must have taken a lot of time!)

Agreed. A blog post regarding the story referenced by avree would be great.

Nevertheless, this story is refreshingly interesting and appreciated.

It's nice to hear this type of story after reading an article via TC about how some PR firm was claiming they can "Get your startup covered" by a site "like" TC for something like $750. Such behavior, I imagine, would ultimately dilute everything I like about TC and other similar sites. Thanks again for sharing your "real" experience.

3D printing this. 3D printing that. It's quite the buzz, no doubt.

This article made me think about a recent TC article that described the positive impact Airbnb has had / continues to have in communities that do not traditionally have hotels, etc.

Gotta love positive externalities...


Social news sharing FTW! I love how we can help others get this news simply through our engagement.

Oh, and as for "editing your YC application in the application form" ...I wouldn't recommend it, either. Use something that doesn't require an internet connection, and save often. [Don't forget to actually fill out and submit your application, though. =]

It might be one anecdote, but it's a great one. It just seems natural and intuitive to touch the screen.

Thanks for all of the great commentary everyone!

Sure. You never know...

"The Starfish Story" http://www.ordinarypeoplechangetheworld.com/articles/the-sta...

that almost felt real... some interesting perspective, no doubt.

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