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What do you mean by term "sub-optimal"?

I'm no lens expert but I'd imagine that the differences in lighting and motion in landscapes and portraiture between takes might obscure the subtle differences between the lenses themselves. The static subjects probably give a more fair comparison.

Difference lenses have very different MTF (resolution vs how far away to the center of the lens) in theory and because of the different lens internal structure, they also have different fringing, distortion performances as well. The bokeh look different depending on the shape and the number of aperture blades. Sometimes it is not clear whether spending 2x or more is worth it so this is I believe very helpful to help buyers to see what's the actual differences of lenses are without all those fancy ads.

that's a fair statement, i just felt the subjects could be improved. Seriously, no one uses these lenses for shooting baby dolls. Something that's a bit more relevant, or pleasing to the eyes would be much better subjects. I'm sure these guys can spare a couple hundred bucks and hire a professional model to do some shooting ;)

30 minutes?

I don't know which is more surprising: that they can calculate inflation since 1968 with such astonishing precision (median income was $32,844) or that buying a car from a defunct automaker (Pontiac) is an act of patriotism.

If the trackee removed this from his own car and attached it to some other car, would he be violating some law?

I am sure they could find one. When dealing with the government it's heads they win, tails you lose.

edit: I still think it would be worth it. One of these cars for maximum effect: http://homeland.house.gov/about/membership

It might be more effective, and more legal, to just sell your car as soon as you become aware that you've been tagged. Bonus points if you sell it to someone who is either taking a cross-country drive, or shipping it overseas.

Surely it's much, much easier to just put it on your neighbour's car. They'd probably believe they were getting real data or your partner was using the car. And could probably never accuse you of tampering as they couldn't be sure it wasn't just a mistake by the planting agent.

if he does it to tamper with federal investigation - then i'd guess it'd be a violation.

If he does it to improve fuel efficiency of the car and remove unnecessary weight from the car ... it'd be interesting whether it is possible to bill the government for the service of carrying their stuff around. Or for not being able to use the car at all as having the GPS tracker attached the car may become unsuitable for your use. Shouldn't anybody whose property taken over and used by the government to be justly compensated?

Well you can bill the govt. but not sure you'll get paid ... ;-)

In general, and most people are surprised by this, you cannot sue the US govt in court. Well you can, but only in certain cases where it allows itself to be sued -- tort cases and some IP laws and even then you almost never get a trial by jury, only a federal judge.

So you'd have to construct this as a tort case and use Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) to your advantage. I suspect if you try that, FBI will invent some reason to arrest you or at least harrass you (interfering with an investigation, obstruction of justice, damage of federal property, etc etc...).

Mr. Speaker, where does Representative Jackson think that the Chinese spend the dollars that they make from producing iPads? And which American jobs does he propose to eliminate in order to secure those manufacturing jobs here in the US?

Thou shalt not rely on spelling correctors.

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