You don't have anything to backup your assertion (or even have the possibility of evidence, before what you are assertion is what's in the mind of people).
When I browse through a fashion magazine, most models are unknown to me, they might as well be AI-gen.
The people that you know that tries to sell you cloth comprise a small fraction of people-images that you are exposed to.
Your reasoning is that people are stupid and therefore you should manipulate them 'for their own good' because they have no self-agency and self-responsibility.
Needless to say, people who think like this make terrible dictators when given the chance.
You could can easily apply this logic to say "we should revoke laws that make it illegal to drive without a seat belt", or dozens of other examples.
Humans are notorious for thinking "I'm in a real hurry, I'll leave the safety system off because I likely won't get hurt". We know that laws, rules and protocols with enforcement and negative consequences are required in order to make humans act safely at scale.
If you surrender control to a doctor to perform a surgery, and the doctor decides to stab you in the heart, why aren't you responsible for being stabbed, since you chose to 'completely surrender control'?
this is compulsory anyway due to physics.