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  >> Bringing Tesla’s manufacturing up to Apple’s quality might just be more work than getting a chinese contractor to round up another million Uyghurs.

Not OP, but NASA is very old school and the tech stack is old, not to mention that things move slower than a turtle (so much bureaucracy) and the fear of losing funding. It's just not a great place to work for anecdotally speaking. At best, it's an ok place to work for. Oh and I forgot to mention the crazy low salaries across the board, and yearly raises that are below inflation rate.

This is amazing. Thank you for sharing.

It's sad to see HN users just downvote something they don't agree with instead of responding to the arguments made berg.

berg, what other options do we have besides capitalism? We saw how millions of people died of starvation with communist/socialists societies.

There's a site guideline against taking HN threads into generic ideological flamewar. That's because such threads are inevitably repetitive, tedious, and eventually nasty.



Did we see that? A lot of what is said by capitalist press about socialist countries is not true. If you ask an Eastern European old enough to have lived before 89, they’ll tell you a very different story.

Someone said that "winners write the history books," but how true is that today given that most developed countries are connected through the internet and information spreads as fast as the speed of light (literally).

Anything to backup your claims about Eastern Europeans living in the 80s? Anything I can read? Not trying to refute your argument, but I'm just curious to see things from their perspective.

It's not just history books, but capitalist control over media in general. Beyond selectively reporting facts, ideology is constantly reinforced. It's how workers end up acting against their own material interest so often, when acting collectively in solidarity with their fellow workers would gain them far more of their labour's value.

Remember Iraq WMDs? At the time, there was almost complete consensus on them being real and necessitating war. Now, we know it was entirely made up. The same is true of many movements and countries that oppose (for various reasons) US and EU imperialism.

If you don't have a significant sample of Eastern Europeans at hand, here's an article summarising the situation (https://thecommunists.org/2019/07/26/news/workers-eastern- europe-former-ussr-prefer-socialism/). It references many sources that I recommend you read. Many of the sources are capitalist and contain clear propaganda to that end, but also contain useful raw data.

There's a difference between misleading spin and being "entirely made up." It is an indisputable fact that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. It is also probably a fact that most people hearing this term of art assume it means a catastrophic nuclear, biological, or chemical weapon. It does not.


Often, downvotes are about the way an opinion is presented, not the opinion itself. Saying that capitalism is the real shoplifting is vague and unproductive, and it doesn't contain a counterproposal, so as a statement it's hard to engage with.

If the GP had come up with a proposal for how to fix this, which would probably have meant elaborating on how to completely abolish all private property in the context of the modern US, I think the post would not have been so heavily downvoted.

You're right. I agree with you. Thanks for clarifying.

>“People will say, ‘I was just hungry.’ And then what do you do?”

People stealing food to survive while the super wealthy and rich becoming richer and richer[1]. What a great time to be alive.


EDIT: I don't particularly dislike Elon (the man has done alot of good), but he was the easiest example I could think of. Stock market is a better indicator of rich people's wealth.

Not that Elon Musk doesn't have plenty of flaws that people online will be happy to spill much ink about, but what does that have to do with widespread poverty on a national level?

Does the US not have a government and state-level and federal-level representatives whose job it is to take care of their citizens and keep them out of starvation? Elon Musk and his pals seem like a convenient distraction from holding accountable people whose job it is to protect their constituents.

Many of those wealthy individuals (or their companies, at least) have lobbied to ensure that we don't have a government which takes upon itself to keep citizens out of starvation. Not sure about Elon Musk specifically, but politicians don't just magically decide to ignore the needs of their constituents.

To spell it out for those in the back: reducing tax rates reduces the government's ability to fund public projects. i.e. roads, schools, and safety nets like food banks.

Also, the responsibility of feeding children has fallen upon schools in some areas. When SF closed schools in March 2020, one of the issues they had to address was "how do we feed the kids?"


Politicians magically decide to ignore the needs of their constituents whenever they think they can get away with it, unless they're saints - and not many saints are politicians.

The better question might be, why do they think they can get away with it? Why do they get away with it?

(By the way, note that this is not just a problem with one party...)

Whenever they can get away with it and it's in their best interest (thanks to lobbyists). If they don't get anything out of it, they may as well take the free goodwill from voters.

Yeah, maybe I'm too cynical, but I suspect that there's always some lobbyists willing to make it worth any politician's time to do what's not in the voters' interest.

> Does the US not have a government and state-level and federal-level representatives whose job it is to take care of their citizens and keep them out of starvation?

It’s patently obvious that no, the US does not.

Agree it's unfair to single out Elon. But Elon has clearly been anti-union for a long while and has building factories in states with low union presence. He's undoubtedly contributing to income inequality via corporate policies.

The cumulative pressure by major companies on congress is probably the single main reason why congress does not enact stronger protection. We got corporate tax cuts because of this over say better employment protection laws.

Disclosure: am a Tesla stockholder.

Agree that blaming individuals makes no sense. It's the system that is pushing the poorest into more debt and insecurity while making the rich richer that is the problem.

A lot of talk about building a healthy middle class but we've lost track of that goal decades ago.

Except those people heavily dictate how the system operates. "Systems" don't just operate without human input or decision-making.

No. We have representatives whose job it is to serve their campaign donors. Musk is a leech, but someone with that much money has political influence.

Because money is power and it's clear people like Musk have a bigger responsibility to push for an accountable government.

Are you sure? I like Elon Musk quite a bit, and even I don't think he should go around telling politicians what to do. That's not what we as a society have businesspeople for.

I agree with you. However, there is the world we want and the world we live in. Until we have an actual democracy (which likely won't have billionaires, look into what happens in popular movements in the past) then Musk has an outside responsibility to society because he has outsized power.

I never understood this because a Bezos, Musk or Gates aren’t gonna spend hundreds of millions a year buying up all the food and toilet paper. Their wealth buys them political power and influence but it shouldn’t really effect the supply chain as far as everyday basic goods are concerned.

So has our productive capacity fallen to where we can no longer feed everyone? Or are we producing enough food and then just trashing the excess when people cannot be afford it? It just doesn’t all add up for me. I am a novice at economics though.

Could be worse, e.g., any prior point in time on average ...

This is a pretty recurring theme in history. Read any Charles Dickins story for example.

> Meanwhile, an estimated 54 million Americans will struggle with hunger this year, a 45 percent increase from 2019, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. With food aid programs like SNAP and WIC being reduced, and other federal assistance on the brink of expiration, food banks and pantries are being inundated, reporting hours-long waits and lines that stretch into the thousands.

And meanwhile, in the other America:

> When Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump start building their new home on the 1.8-acre lot at 4 Indian Creek Island Road that they purchased for $30 million, they’ll have plenty of equally famous neighbors to get to know.

> Indian Creek Island, sometimes called “Miami’s Billionaire Bunker,” is home to an eclectic group of some of the world’s wealthiest, from singers to hedge fund managers, inventors to developers — even the founder of a company dedicated to collecting blood donations.

> Just how pricey is Indian Creek Island? According to the village’s tax rolls, the median assessed value of homes on the island in 2019 was $13.6 million. Taxes from real estate jumped 6.4% in 2019 to $87,234, along with a city property tax of $63,000.


No people are not stealing food to survive. US have food banks and food stamps. People steal because they can.

I don’t say people are wealthy or eat enough. I’m saying your statement about survival is untrue, and as any false statement does not help to resolve the issue.

It kinda feels like someone is paying you for this hot take. People needing food banks and food stamps is bad. It's obviously not Yemen bad. This is so obvious it's not really worth mentioning. We have moved on from pointless comparisons of degree to feeling empathy for these people and fear for what this instability will bring about.

People steal food because they have to survive*

Fixed that for you.

Perhaps, our definitions of survival are very different. One might say people steal playstations to survive.

When was the last time you were unable to eat because of an income deficiency?

Funny you mention "food banks" and "food stamps" during a time of unprecedented services shortage due to a pandemic. Some people are still waiting on unemployment checks from 6 months ago. Stomachs can't wait that long.

An inability to use reasoning while also remaining heavily opinionated indicates you have never faced a severe economic hardship like homelessness and feel the need to shift the blame to others to avoid confronting systemic issues.

Ah an excuse for me to work.

It's very hard finding high quality things that are cheap, and it's very easy finding low quality things that are expensive.

Rule of thumb is to read the 3-start (and below) reviews for anything that you're planning on buying. 4 and 5 stars are generally customers who had been paid to write those reviews.

You can choose light/dark/auto mode in your GH settings https://github.com/settings/appearance

Is it just me or is the dark mode too dark? My eyes are having a hard time finding things.

Yes. It is definitely not the Dark in macOS which is more like Dark Grey and this is closer to Black.

Just using black often feels like enabling accessibility features for contrast (as iOS has one) but at first glance I feel like the GH version is just fine for me due to the usage of grey instead of white for outlines and fonts.

Feels so much better on the eyes.

yep, i'm usually into dark mode but this one wasn't really working for my eyes right off the bat

Me too. It a dark and shiny.

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