Same on my 100 MHz Apricot. I like to think it helped. One thing that used to bug me is I wondered how much CPU time was being spent on rendering those graphs locally.
My [lay] understanding is that a portion of spacetime has yet to be found that has 0 countable things. I also believe 'countable' gets tricky the more you zoom in, as it were.
I think that's the craziest thing, every time we get smaller, we find more stuff. "Atom" means "indivisible". It was supposed to be the smallest unit of matter.
Then we found things smaller. Sub-atomic particles. Literally makes no sense because it literally means smaller than the smallest thing.
It should really say "HTTP[S]" calls, or "Web" calls or somesuch - when I saw "Network" I hoped it would be a debugger for, say, UDP packets and TCP traffic. It's not.
fwiw, and this is going to sound incredibly cliché,
One thing I've found is that - people you're in relationships or freindships, of whatever kind, with - they put out a mix of positivity, negativity, whatever -
The only way to master the problem of people 'lifting you up' or 'bringing you down' is to own your own moods, and not ride the whimsy of positivity or negativity that other people are putting out towards you - then you can see other people's negativity for what it is - it might be their problems projected, their interactions with the world gone wrong, who knows - and you can help them - or choose not to.
There is negativity in the world, not negative people - you can avoid it, even successfully, but to be comfortable with it and navigate it well - that's a whole other world.
If you're not in a stable place emotionally, the advice in this article might apply, and I hope things get better for you.
All I know is I love my friends, including the one's who are hopelsss at being in any way encouraging. I see it as my problem and my job to be OK with them. And I think a lot of people share that attitude.
Pardon the rant. The topic got me worked up a bit.
There is an underlying utilitarian vision of life in the main article, that really twist me in the wrong way. Not everything is a market interaction and real friendship are a bit more complicated than that.
Thank you! It seems you've done a lot of work to arrive where you are now. And it probably wasn't easy either. I see the world like this as well and it is great to read about like minded people!
A lot of people are chiming in on 'being that person' - it's me, as well.
I find text awkward, shallow, and ultimately I spin my wheels trying to decode and write messages - the kind of enegry I specifically need for things I'm working on.
Not to mention I prefer to just wait until the next time I see somebody in person so that the interaction will actually be meaningful.
A lot of people don't consider the world of difference between in-person communication and making a small electronic object beep-and-buzz near the recipient on their behalf.
About your question: The problem of deciding if a relationship is 'unhealthy' is very open-ended and rough. I can never arrive at a binary answer, and the topic does make me sad. Attention is hard to gauge and manage. You have some great specific questions though, like Does he crave attention in the same way, Why doesn't he like messaging, etc. You two should find a way to talk about it. That's what I'd do.
All I know for sure is that relying on electronic communication can have weird and annoying effects on friendships where neither person quite realises there's a problem.
Hopped back onto Windows last year after a long time away - all the keyboard shortcuts and obscure registry settings I knew from Win95 still worked. Maybe some people would see that as a bad sign, but I loved it.