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How much have you spent so far?

The monthly fee.

And I got at least three thorough advises from Monica or a community member on how to improve various stuff on the blog, that I could've easily been billed for by a normal consultant.

Macromedia Flash was so intuitive, you’d get someone designing and animating things in a couple of hours, contrast that with Adobe Illustrator, where you’d spend a couple of hours telling someone how to draw a circle then they would forget how to access the right menu to join two circles and get stuck while the person on Flash was creating complex shapes that morphed...

> FrontPage was a nightmare.

Wix is a nightmare.

I second this. FrontPage was simple to used, produced ugly, but static and fast sites, everyone was happy. Wix is a monster to use, and it spits CPU eating offsprings.

Funny that, I don't trust Facebook, so I don't use it.

I haven’t used FB in 10 years. Does anyone that matters to your business still use it?

Do people actually buy your service though? Can you share some numbers, am slightly skeptical about this idea but maybe am wrong...?!

Their startup course was a waste of time.

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