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Looks interesting, commenting so that I can remember.

She wrote the book "Rebel Talent: why it pays to break the rules".

Practice what you preach, as they say.

Staking the territory in a new frontier.

Oh no!


Ouch! Time to liquidate my ASML position!

Maybe it is a good idea to wait and see how the market envolves. I guess ASML has a few more years to be the leader.

I did my MBA dissertation on value vs price, and nowhere in my 79 pages I mentioned FOMO.

But that was a very long time ago, I think OP has a point.

Whether the article is accurate or not, that is the trend.

And we've seen it coming for a while now.

I was thinking in terms of business changes/developments/disruptions, not necessarily the ripple effects on the stock market.

While I know they are (in)directly related, I am focusing on the business aspect.

> How is it even similar?

Both are disruptive technologies that are going to change the world as we know it.

I don't think there's 1 single book on selling that is goo, your best best is to always keep on reading.

I would incorporate:

* Never Split the Difference

* So Good They Can't Ignore You

* This is Marketing

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