I highly doubt you'd be taken less seriously. Your degree is also close and relevant to programming from my experience, even if it doesn't directly give you a lot of coding experience.
I've worked with electrical engineers who went straight into programming after they graduated, and they were good. Where I'm from the engineering degrees always seemed a little more brutal than a regular comp sci degree. I notice those engineers have no issue learning anything new
AFAIK most horror stories are from people who move between countries, particularly from one with "cheaper" prices like Argentina to one with more expensive ones. Not sure if the account itself gets banned but the games previously bought do get locked out.
It's important to build skills with stimulants that you can still use while off them. Organizing, using calendars, stuff like that.
There was a point in my life where I was unable to function in society, and the stimulants did save me. I decided to slowly ween myself off of them since, and don't have any regrets about having taken them in the first place.
If I lost 5-10 years from my lifespan from taking stimulants, I still think it was worth it. Staying realistic about them was key for me.
If this happens to be a reference to Microsoft, their famous laying off of qa people has been regarded as a disaster by everyone outside Ms, with windows update quality dropping off a cliff.
And I believe it's hard to do this kind of thing as an afterthought. If your whole engineering culture is built around having a QA dept then just firing that dept is obviously going to have disastrous consequences.
It's funny, I originally pitched this about 8 years ago to some VCs, and Spotify was the example I used as a platform that could do things much better.
Turned down the funding offers I got, and kicked things off in more of a slow-burn sideproject style after that.
From what I remember last time I checked on this. % of money goes to a pot. Money is then globally distributed based on time listened globally (nothing is specific to you for the distribution).
So barely any of the money you put in goes to the artists you actually listen to.