I’m just a layperson, but I’ve never been comfortable with that argument. An hour’s worth of radiation concentrated into a moment seems very different to me.
I just think we'd fly to another city, or even internationally for 17 hours, without giving the radiation a second thought. It's just not rational to worry about 1/17 of that dose, once every 2 years, when there is apparently a benefit to oral health. If the dentist wanted to do it every week then that would be something to object to.
It’s rather ironic that by claiming their comment lacks credibility without including any counterpoints it makes your comment itself lack credibility too.
Oranges and bananas are out for me too, because of histamine intolerance, which correlates heavily with gut issues. Sharing to help others since I wish I had known sooner!
Got any suggested reads on this? I have annoying sporadic rhinitis flare ups and I've always suspected a link with food. Would love to see if there's a way to determine what foods may be an issue!
A generally recommended elimination diet is the FODMAP diet (originally out of studies by the Australian Monash University).
It's primarily for IBS and identification of trigger foods, but the elimination and reintroduction steps may well help you with identifying your triggers.
Oh definitely. I did (and am still refining) a full elimination diet to get good clean data. I cut salicylates, amines (e.g histAMINE), and glutamates. Fedup.com.au is a clunky decades old resource, but the content is no-bs and so valuable.
I have rhinitis flare ups too - I’m not sure I’ve pinpointed exactly what flares mine up, but I most suspect guar gum / xanthan gum. Either as a trigger, or just causing thickening of mucus, which spirals into blocked noses and sinus infection issues and further rhinitis.
What really helps me is lymphatic drainage massage. There’s videos on YouTube showing you how to gently directionally massage the drainage channels to keep your sinuses clear.
In Hatha Yoga, there is a great emphasis placed on cleaning one's gut and entire digestive tract from mouth to anus. This is in addition to maintaining a proper diet. The cleaning techniques are rather unique and are known as Shatkarmas - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shatkarma. In addition, Mula Bandha and Uddiyana Bandha are also relevant here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandha_(yoga)
Some people can't bring themselves to leave abusive partners too. This one is violent to these people.
Sadly the only other option for your phone is google and anything else won't run the apps you will need to live in society. It's an absolute travesty and we should all be ashamed of that.
The idea that "not apple" or "not google" or especially "not either" isn't really possible is an absolute disgrace.
One that stuck with me was Ep 86: The LinkedIn Incident. It is about how one seemingly inconsequential device at home being compromised can lead to a massive data breach.