AmazonFba was kind of successful to a degree, issue was the price point in that particular niche was just to small so advertising ate up a lot of profits.
Good suggestion and point here. I am currently looking into becoming a subject matter expert on a particular topic of interest, as of now, I feel like I'm not on any topic. Rather I know a little bit about various topics.
Thanks for your response here, I like the quick launches of products, however, my coding skills are a hinderance here as im still learning. I understand your point however.
I like the community advice, however I feel like this step takes time, the very things we are trying to cut out. Perhaps, by choosing a specific niche and always tailoring products around that niche may help build the community faster than switching niches often.
I think time is the one thing I definitely disregard. Disregard in the sense I move too quickly, its just how my brain operates. Learn, push things out, rinse and repeat. That's typically my approach to things. I am going to try and slow down, let things marinate and see what happens.