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Yeah. Communism is great in theory as well. It doesn't work though.

I just use Vultr and install from a FreeBSD downloaded ISO. No modifications to the base install at all and works as expected.

DO have screwed something up with their configuration if they need to make so many changes to make it work. No other VPS provider I have used that support FreeBSD (or OpenBSD for that matter) require any changes to the default install.

I hate it when clearly American authors always equate Libertarianism with Capitalism. Originally Libertarianism was an idea that grew out of left wing politics (socialism and communism) in Europe in the 19th century. Only recently have the Americans hijacked the term for their own means. So called right wing Libertarianism.

I wish more people were up to speed with political history because it really gets my goat every time I see someone make this mistake.

This just makes me embarrassed to be English. What were the Tories thinking of? They claim to be trying to save public money by cutting down on arguably essential services and then they have MPs trying to get the government to spend public money on complete rubbish.

We even publically fund homoeopathy which is a complete joke. It's just awful and then they have the audacity to reduce funding for things like mental health care.

Words can not describe how stupid this all is.

Windows 8.1 on my main computer but I use VMWare Workstation 10 to run virtual machines running Linux for development work.

Windows 8.1 is really only their for day to day tasks such as web browsing, email and gaming. All serious work is done on virtual machines running a number of different Linux and BSD distributions. I have found that this works better in the long run than dual booting Linux and Windows.

More power to him for finding a workflow that works.

The only thing that would stop me from using a similar set up for writing is that there isn't a DOS version of Spotify :(.

Run DOS and the word processor in a VM, with Spotify running outside it, perhaps.

If that's doable, I bet DOS and WordStar (or WordPerfect, etc.) would be awfully quick in a VM.

When I was travelling I split off from my friends for a couple of weeks and had to eat alone. I quite enjoyed it actually.

Doing a bit of discreet people watching is always interesting (to me at least) and it was even better being in a foreign country where you can see the differences between your own culture and theirs.

I did feel a bit embarrassed at first but once you sit down and order what you like its fine. No one pays you any attention at all.

For me the advantage of Ubuntu over Debian is that I know that each LTS release of Ubuntu will be supported for exactly 5 years. That means that at the time of deployment I can already anticipate when I will need to upgrade / retire that specific server.

Debian doesn't quite offer the same level of guarantee for how long each release will be supported for as far as I am aware.

Music and being up late when no one else is around do the trick for me. I find if I try and work during the day on anything that requires real concentration then I end up being distracted by everyday things. This is probably bad advice though as having a natural sleeping pattern is important but I do find it helps me.

Just because a person may have a mental health condition that has no bearing on their intelligence. You'd know that if you actually knew what the fuck you were talking about.

It's a bit like saying "This is either made up or the auditor has AIDS". Implying that people with AIDS are retards which as we all know is completely untrue (well they might be but this has no relation to them having AIDS). Please get a clue before posting shit on the web.

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