Carriers that fly the 737NG (not MAX) are finding that the component that holds the wings to the fuselage is cracking much sooner than advertised by Boeing.
This grasshopper incident could have happened to any airplane, regardless of manufacturer or model. But the 737 has been making the headlines a disproportionate amount of the time recently, and mostly for reasons that are Boeing's fault.
Yeah. And the only things those other stories share with this one is "737". And, as you said, this incident could have happened to any airplane. So your bringing up the NG wing part issue is completely irrelevant here. It looks like someone just looking for a chance to rip Boeing.
HGH being Human Growth Hormone? I've taken that during puberty, as a medium to get to "normal size"
In hindsight doctors say that might have been what triggered my chronic auto immune hepatitis (immune system attacks my own liver). They say basically they don't know and will probably never know, but it has been put forth as a possible trigger.
No expert either, but afaik you can divide livers into thirds and they will regrow. So when you transplant a liver you take two thirds from the donor, I assume to give the recipient more liver to work with, but I don't know why.
(spelling edit)
The liver is responsible for clearing out the majority of toxins and since many of them can cause cell death, the organ needs to be able to regenerate itself.
a plastic surgery to build in Klingon like capabilities - take the piece of the liver like for transplant and transplant it into the other side of the body, and after some time for regrow the person would just have 2 full livers.
I'm not an expert but that won't stop me from guessing why!
Perhaps it would be far easier for the donor to regrow the majority of their own liver in their own body than it would be for the recipient, given the immune response and other factors that I would imagine complicate a transplant.
If you blocked ads using browser addon like uBlock, that's going to be neutered with manifest v3 in Blink (i.e. Chrome/Chromium/Edge).
If you blocked ads using pi-hole like setup, now that's sidestepped.
If you wanted to enforce your DNS, now you cannot, because it will be mixed with other https traffic. For now, you can do DPI on the SNI, but that's going to end with eSNI too.
This is where readin satanic texts early on in life really set the tone for me.
Summed up they say "There's no point to anything so enjoy life as best you can, while you can". Those texts really focus on you as the supreme master of yourself as opposed to any external entity.
If the task you want to solve is automatic function naming I definitely think normalizing would be an improvement. But I'm not sure it would be the right thing for all applications. Don't have any examples though.
I never heard of stem cell treatment for auto-immune diseases at all. Got two conditions myself, I would not go for such a 'radical' treatment at this point though as I do not feel I suffer enough to try it out.
I will read up on it though.
But for know I'll just ask a question. What are the actual risks of stem cell treatment?
I'd say the technology for building a bot with computer vision is already here or close to it. So building a working one would not take long.
The problem, as they stated in the QnA is that the image processing would take much more hardware and computing power, this increasing both cost and training time, as you would not be able to run games as quickly anymore.
They specifically said they would have to implement a special case for heroes that control more than one unit in the future.
So you're saying that even before they set up a rule about microing illusions to protect humans from a feature that they have not yet implemented nor, I assume, have trained the model on?
I had to look up what 'end-to-end' means in regard to neural nets and machine learning. And the answer seems to differ slightly or very much with every webpage I hit.
Stack exchange says it means 'all classifiers are trained jointly', nvidia and quora seem more in line with what I assume it means in this project. 'No human input to training sets or results as part of learning' is that what this talks about?
In the context of automated driving, 'end-to-end' tends to mean that the net learns a transformation function that maps input images to steering wheel and pedal positions. In that sense, there is 'no human input' at any stage.
In contrast to this, every significant AD effort uses hand crafted parts for most of their pipeline. Machine learning is mostly used in the initial object detection and tracking steps.
In this case, the training is supervised. It’s a simple convolutional neural network that predicts the turning angle based on the image of the line on the “road”.
It does not say it was a 737MAX, which would be quite improbable as they're still grounded.
Reacting just because it says 737 feels to me kinda like reaction becauase it says PC or Mac.