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I was sure this was going to be a gen-ai site that is going to generate messages on the fly.

Even after I've read and enjoyed it, I skim the title in the list and still think that's what it must be.

It's pretty rare to have more then 1 client facing API even for large apps. Whether it's a monolith, an API gateway, Apollo federation or whatever.

What you do to authenticate between the BFF (for lack of a better name) and other services is a different matter.

I've used C all my life, but moved to the US lately and trying to start using F.

Probably the easiest measurement change to get used to. There's very little difference in actual practice.

C makes it easier to reason regarding freezing/boiling - it's simpler to think about if it's going to snow by relating it to 0 then 32. But that's about the only difference in day to day use I can think of.

I haven't heard any reason to prefer F over C however (unlike Feet for example).

> Probably the easiest measurement change to get used to.

here is a counter-anecdotal evidence I moved to the US 25 years ago, still hate F with passion

I gave it a serious go. After trying to get used to F for 20-some years, I went back and set all my thermometers and online weather maps to Celsius.

Farenheit is an absurdly bad scale choice. It is needlessly granular for everyday use and feels wholly arbitrary.

32 degrees is freezing, so how far is 19 F from freezing? 32-19 ... ummm 13 degrees and that is as far as 32+19 ... ummm 51 degrees ... what are we talking about? -10 and +10 Celsius ...

I still don't know if 120F would burn my hands or not, if 150 F scalds or not. I have no sense about temperatures above 100F (and that one only because it is a threshold for fever)

> I still don't know if 120F would burn my hands or not, if 150 F scalds or not. I have no sense about temperatures above 100F

I don't see how C would be easier for that. How do you know if 49℃ burns or 66℃ scalds?

My gut sense is that is that over 50C you are getting into scalding territory.

50, which is halfway between 0 and 100, so that, too, kind of makes sense.

This is such a well made site. Nice to look at, not too flashy and very informative.

Made me keep reading on a subject I care not at all about.

Wow, this seems unreasonably well made! Kudos. I'll definitely try it out.

Simple it is not.

Google is apple's main competitor and building an actual rival might be extremely beneficial for them.

Google supposedly makes more money from this arrangement then the spend, which means of apple can run a successful search engine they can take more of the profit.

Apple has loads of cash which they look for ways to invest, Google shows that search engine can be an immensely valuable investment.

Obviously there are other concerns, chief being consumer sentiment here I imagine.

And on a side note, tried searching for "End-of-Life of Fauna's GraphQL API" before I posted this, and got nothing from google.

Not a even a minute after I posted this message, google now shows "The GraphQL API will be decommissioned February 29th, 2024." in the google snippets when I search for the same phrase, linking to this post.

Which on the one hand is damn impressive. But on the other seems a bit insane, anyone can post anything and google will just tout it out as a fact, with practically zero amount of validation aside from "someone posted it on a forum on the web."

I don't understand the value proposition. In what situations would I want to make my TUI available as a web app?

A similar thing is in use for mainframe applications to this very day to try to "modernize" them.

Basically fancy screen-scrapers that turn everything into forms and menus and fields, they do have their use. (In the industrial case, it's for things like text entry and mainframe applications to be made more "touchscreen friendly" for modern industrial devices and modernize them to the modern metal you have to use.)

I'm not sure how they're rendering in the browser. But if the TUI is rendered to DOM elements and not canvas/webgl, perhaps it could be useful to use a browser automation tool like Playwright to run test suites against the TUI. If your project involves CLIs and web apps interacting with one another, you could exercise them and assert their behavior within the same test framework.

Next up, improve usability and consistency with tailwind by making component classes via things like https://daisyui.com/.

Then you realize you can just use the classes with css and forgo the tailwind Middleware.

Then we'll be back where we started.

I was intrigued until I saw it's from google.

I'm not confident that gcp will survive 5 years at this point, so this thing? this is one of those google products that is practically born killed.

The google name has become an anathema at this point, at the very least they can try and spin it off as an independent startup or something to try and give it a chance.

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