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You only get so many of those £0.99 offers before it goes up to £8 without making it clear.

I just did a checkout to test and it says "Click here to get your Prime eligible items with Premium Delivery for £4.99 no extra charge". Yet clicking that button costs anywhere between £0.99 and £8 without any obvious warning.

https://recordrtc.org/ should be able to do it.

Also wondering this. I was planning on making the jump to LS soon but if Stripe will be offering MoR services then I'd rather stay within Stripe's stack.

I suspect (hope) Stripe Tax will soon offer a MoR service. I imagine this acquisition is mostly for their tax expertise & perhaps internal tools that do all the hard work behind the scenes.

I've never understood the notion that US based companies have it easier. They still to pay applicable tax in every country/state that their customers reside.

If anything, EU companies have it slightly easier because they can file all of their EU-based taxes using One Stop Shop.

You can do Non-Union OSS as a US company as well. I’d say the most annoying thing about the EU is their minimum transaction to start filing is very low compared to US Nexus rules.

Why don't they then? I've been trying to tell US merchants they can literally get free EU customers by registering for IOSS and the most I've gotten is a shrug.

Many of us are willing to pay for shipping and taxes up front just so their products don't get caught in the "free money for us" exploitation racket that is EU customs.

Which merchants and for what kind of product?

Maybe I'm missing something but all the document seems to imply is that Google collects this data... Nothing about it being used as ranking factors. It doesn't seem unreasonable for Google to collect and correlate extra data that it may want to use as future ranking factors, experiments, quality analysis etc.

Thanks for sharing, I've been struggling to learn Draw Things and this feels much more intuitive.

I believe it only happens on the iOS app. Strange the article doesn't mention that.

It started off happening globally - they fixed it in most places, but not yet on the iOS app.

There are plenty of cases where lambda is a better fit than hosting a server. Just like there are plenty of cases where it's not an appropriate fit.

By flat out refusing to consider it, you become as much of a "drone" as the people you call out.

>> There are plenty of cases where lambda is a better fit than hosting a server.

Such as?

If it’s regional latency then run a machine in the region.

Simple endpoints that have extremely low-volume traffic. If I have a project that has low usage and requires basic endpoints to handle server-side logic, lambdas are by far the cheapest way to do it and fully performant.

I use Cloudflare Workers on hobby projects to provide server side work for things that have low volume, because the price is so low per user.

It's true that Lambdas will become pricier with consistent high volume usage, but for extremely variable usage or low usage, lambdas are a great option.

Out of the box lambda costs $0 when not in use, built in autoscaling, automatic runtime security updates, stdout straight into Cloudwatch, docker support...the list goes on.

Uncomplicated image conversion / thumbnailing / pdf report generation / whatever that you don't want to keep a whole container or separate long running task around for.

That's all. The rest goes in VMs.

You can have a dev team of 20, everyone has their own Lambda function running at all times so they can run their own branch without affecting others.

When people go home, the dev Lambda cost instantly becomes zero.

You can't do that with (virtual) servers, the cost is exactly the same 24/7. In some cases it's a good thing, some not.

You can't also trivially handle Hug Of Death level load spikes.

Not to mention Lambda uptime vs everything else.

My Facebook is completely useless due to all the suggested posts that appear in my feed. They're all memes that are of no interest to me and they cover up any posts from the few friends that still use Facebook.

Not being active on social media has meant a lot of old friends have drifted out of my life so I'm trying to force myself to be more active on it but sadly there are no enjoyable (or usable) platforms left.

Social media has effectively split in two directions, and the ends of the spectrum are Discord and TikTok.

TikTok is almost purely algorithmic, stranger-generated content consumption with the novelty factor cranked to 11. Discord has no algorithmic curation, voting, etc, and is just people talking that you have to curate yourself.

Facebook is trying to pivot in the TikTok direction. Problem is there are a lot of people who want to use it to connect with actual people (because that's kinda how it worked in the past), which is orthogonal to their mission of pumping the maximal possible amount of garbage into your brain.

Discord isn't social media, it's an instant messaging app and a terrible one at that. A messaging app can't fully replace early-Facebook-like social network, because it just works so much differently and is optimized for different use cases. There's strangely nothing at all to fill this particular niche, although I'm working on one fediverse project that tries.

I find it hard to believe that there are no products out there trying to fill the 'early-Facebook-like social network' niche. People are discovering that a true social network, between actual people in the physical world, is not a scalable thing...and it should not be. On top of that, these same products trying to create social networks eventually run into a monetization problem.

I love discord. It is the only social media I regularly use. There seems to be a sentiment that pops up every now and again that it’s a shame that content in discord communities is getting “walled off” and inaccessible by google and others from the rest of the internet. That is a strange sentiment to me. Discord communities are private by design. If the server owners want public discourse, there are many options for that. Are these same people upset that there aren’t microphones at every table in restaurants so that those conversations aren’t “walled off” from anyone not in the restaurant? In fact I think scraping website content by third parties for their own indexing should be opt-in, not opt-out, it’s pretty obnoxious in my opinion that you can put up a website intended only for friends and family but then large entities all over the world crawl your content and broadcast it on their own platforms without your consent.

I think most people complaining about that are talking about support discords for software projects - where the default used to be that you contributions were permanent and searchable. Walling it off makes it less useful.

I use discord mostly for keeping up with friends and am very glad those chats aren't on the open internet

I don't think anyone wants to read you and your buddies' discussion of Cities: Skylines II and Super Mario Wonder.

They're irritated by all the open-source projects replacing their mailing list, forum, or wiki with "Just ask on the Slack or Discord". It's the most god-awful mode of community support imaginable.

I don’t understand how we got here either. Like who pushed for this result? It’s objectively worse in every way.

Not every way.

I love the old bulletin boards and IRC channels where you get to know people, talk about projects, asking for help, etc.

Discord fills that role in a much more accessible way than posting on a forum or googling a stack overflow answer.

Both hae value. Apparently you much prefer a less real-time interactive approach to solving those problems.

Discord optimizes for you getting help with your problem at the expense of you being able to help yourself with your problem by searching for other people having the same problem.

Just look to the Discord channels for popular games or 3rd party modpacks to see this constantly in action. Lacking a forum with a pinned thread for FAQs or basic support, the mods/admins/regulars must rely on chatbot auto-answers keyed off of keywords to pull out rote responses to common tech support questions.

I get that the majority, perhaps the vast majority, would prefer such a socially high touch "bulletin board" model, but... some of us run away screaming from such things. I find Discord impossible to navigate in terms of finding discussions of issues that have already occurred, and having to perform my own "archeological excavation" to discover the tidbits that are actually relevant to me is orders of magnitude harder and more irritating than, say, perusing/searching a discussion forum or similar online venue.

For those of us who came of age during the "RTFM before bothering anybody, dammit!" attitude toward supporting engineers, looking for already posted answers to a problem that likely someone else has already solved is vastly superior to bothering someone about a problem they might well be tired of talking about for the 100th time.

I've never been good at "conversation" in real life or online; some of us simply aren't and have/find our strengths elsewhere, and increasingly it seems all online discussions about, say, issues around a game published by a small indie vendor are being pushed to Discord and in some cases even shutting down other online communication channels in favor of that. A vendor who keeps its online discussion forums available and supported is always going to get a lot more interest from me than what I see younger companies doing.

Maybe it's just a big cultural shift, and I am no longer relevant. Not ready to "go away" just yet...

I don’t see how that’s discord’s fault though, blame the project leaders. They must have their reasons. Maybe for projects in active development, content from years ago just isn’t relevant anymore anyway.

> Discord communities are private by design.

Are they? I'm sure there are people who use Discord like that, but I am on dozens of servers and all of them are public, i.e. anyone can join anytime. That's not private that's just hiding from Google.

> If the server owners want public discourse, there are many options for that.

Chat/video/audio as good and popular as Discord? Where? IRC? Matrix?

> Are these same people upset that there aren’t microphones at every table in restaurants so that those conversations aren’t “walled off” from anyone not in the restaurant?

Fair enough but nobody is asking direct messages or the servers for people who actually know each other and want privacy to be on the open web. Just the ones that are closer to being public squares for discussing specific topics.

> In fact I think scraping website content by third parties for their own indexing should be opt-in, not opt-out, it’s pretty obnoxious in my opinion that you can put up a website intended only for friends and family but then large entities all over the world crawl your content and broadcast it on their own platforms without your consent.

Eh, I get what you're saying but don't you think the Internet as a whole loses a lot of its value if this happens? Wasn't Google and good indexing one of the crucial things that led to the Internet revolution?

I’m sure the vast majority of sites would still opt-in to the indexing, considering the lengths people go to with SEO crap to get to the front page of google.

The good ones are actually private and you need to pay to play

You're talking about the ones behind someone's patreon? Or something else?

There are groups that hang out behind a subscription. They use payment management services that handle renewals and subscription. Not patrons. They can be really well organized like work slack level of organization. The fees often pay for people to manage the content and staff to moderate. Though moderation staff is generally younger or in poorer countries.

It's not strange to me at all. People use Discord for things that should be publicly searchable, like FAQs or issue tracking. This is usually what drives complaints.

If an open source project chose to track issues using a series of private conversations in restaurants, most of us would recognise how ephemeral and fleeting that is.

Discord sucks because it’s taking communities that SHOULD be public and walling them off. It has replaced forums for several open source communities.

Mine was like that too. I started using the "I don't want to see this" flag pretty aggressively, and outright blocked a lot of accounts I had no interest in. It has worked pretty well - aside from some ads, my feed is from people I follow. I thought they weren't posting, but it turns out the algorithm was prioritizing NBA memes and other crap.

I did that for a year or two, but it didn't work. Facebook always found new kinds of garbage to recommend. If anything, FB started showing more algorithmic content and fewer posts from my friends. I eventually stopped posting on Facebook, because it had become a wasteland almost devoid of people.

Try https://www.facebook.com/?filter=friends

Annoying that that's not the default, sure. But at least it exists.

Make that https://www.facebook.com/?filter=friends&sk=h_chr and you'll get your friends feed in chronological order too.

You can get to the same thing by choosing "Feeds" in the menu and then selecting "Friends". That one works in the app as well.

I randomly have the whole Feeds menu option disappear entirely, "see more" doesn't reveal it when that happens either, so I just book marked the different versions of it I found useful to use directly.

Pages I have no idea about with “follow” or “groups you’ll like” still outnumber friends posts 2:1

Sorry, it's actually https://www.facebook.com/?filter=friends&sk=h_chr

I thought sk=h_chr was unimportant so I trimmed it off the URL before sharing. Turns out it's necessary.

5 suggested groups and 3 sponsored in the first 10 stories.

Facebook is a ghost town. There’s just three people of the 125 “friends” who appears in the first 20 odd.

Thank you so much, this is perfect!

That's Instagram for me. There is one or two posts of people I know. Then the bold and always wrong claim that I now have seen all new posts followed by stupid meme & travel content I have zero interest or engagement with.

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