There is a legal subtlety here that's often misunderstood (or misrepresented) by most pro-abortionists:
The right to privacy was curved out of the 9th Amendment in the district court decision (not the 4th or the 14th).
The Supreme court upheld the district court decision and went further by adding the protection of the 14th amendment as to how and when this privacy right can be abridged by the states (not without due process of law).
States must show a compelling interest to intervene in women's decision to abort, and this compelling interest ripens only after the first trimester of pregnancy.
Don't forget about it's little sibling, the NSA, and its reputation for openly and overtly mocking our Constitution and its social compact. Snowden is still in political exile in Moscow for the heinous crime of whistleblowing.
Wrong on your first point - Privacy right is not based on the 4th amendment but rather on the 9th amendment (unenumerated rights are persevered to the people).
Correct on your second point - Dobbs didn't take any rights away, it merely delegated to the States, where historically, such rights such rights are granted.
A right can’t be “based” on the 9th amendment. The 9th amendment just says the bill of rights isn’t an exhaustive enumeration. It can’t be the source of rights—the rights must come from somewhere else.
No, not really... the origin of Gaza conflict is in Zionists confiscating the most fertile land and water resources.
That's why Israelis gladly handed back the Sinai desert to Egypt, but have kept Golan Heights, East Jerusalem, Shaba Farms, and continuously confiscate Palestinian farmlands in the West Bank.
There is nothing arbitrary or religious about which lands Zionists are occupying and which they're leaving to arabs.
Completely false and simplifying a complicated history to present a very one sided view.
The most fertile lands are in the west bank. They were under Jordanian control and could have been turned into an independent Palestinian state, but weren't. Israel "accidentally" got them in the 6 days war, and were happy to give them to Jordan back to "take care" of the Palestinian problem, but they refused.
The places that Israel have the majority of the population in Petah Tiqwah, Tel Aviv and the region were swamp lands, filled with mosquitos, that were dried over many years and many deaths by Jewish farmers.
It's part of the separation of powers and the system of checks & balances against powers of branches of government.
Congress makes laws and impeaches presidents, courts judge constitutionality of laws and try cases of treason and presidents appoint judges and grant pardons.
You can't have impeachment without pardon, otherwise, there wouldn't be a check against judicial tyranny.
No, Nate is not afraid of being sued, he is afraid of being indicted for fraud. The difference being that you just pay your way out of lawsuits, but indictments are a bit more serious
No, it was being investigated by the DOJ and SEC for fraud and scheming just like its sister company Citron and Andrew Left, which has been indicted. So Nate has decided to shutdown before he gets subpoenas to preserve the records.
Don't forget the evil university endowments flying under the radar of non-profits. They destroy local shops & economy by replacing them with either for profit corporate tenants who can pay exuberant rents, or worse, empty, abandoned, desolate buildings with exuberant mark-to-model real estate values.
Harvard and Kendall Squares in Cambridge, MA are the best examples of what ruthless endowments do. Kendall Square is entirely owned by MIT and is new shiny and totally unaffordable to non-VC/PE crowd and shuts down after dark.
Harvard Square is replete with empty buildings worth billions on HMC's books. The late night 2-story Starbucks with lots of seating and occasional live music is gone and replaced with a tiny one with no seating which closes at 9pm.
I often use President Carter's legacy to educate young & idealistic Democrats about how to be a progressive populist, in the traditional meaning of those words. I ask them to lookup how much money Obama raised from Wall Street tycoons to be elected and how much more he has pocketed from them by giving banal speeches about "hope" & "change", vs how much Jimmy Carter did.
Most young Democrats (college or 20 somethings) idolize Obama, whom bailed out banks (100% to a dollar); started (Libya, Syria, Yeman) and expanded (Afgan & Iraq) wars; Opposed single payer healthcare for uninsured and flooded the country with so many illegal & extra-legal (temp) foreigners, nobody has any incentive to wait to legally immigrate, anymore.
Awarding the Noble Peace Prize to Obama was an insult to the legacy of President Carter and reminds me of what Vietnamese leader Le Doc Tho said when he refused to accept the Peace Prize with Henry Kissinger in 1973: "Unfortunately, the Nobel Peace Prize Committee put the aggressor and the victim of aggression on the same par. ... That was a blunder".
The right to privacy was curved out of the 9th Amendment in the district court decision (not the 4th or the 14th).
The Supreme court upheld the district court decision and went further by adding the protection of the 14th amendment as to how and when this privacy right can be abridged by the states (not without due process of law).
States must show a compelling interest to intervene in women's decision to abort, and this compelling interest ripens only after the first trimester of pregnancy.