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Not a very good tutorial on fork() let alone writing your own shell.

And she is absolutely right!

I have this book. Was a pretty good introduction to Linux for me. Mark Sobell is awesome

Please relink so that the link doesn't go to my facebook for OAuth.

First things first: ISPs

I feel you. I started a small ISP in Montana a few years ago. We're getting into laying our own duct and fiber.

Once I get the machine running, I want to focus on providing tools and information to others looking to do the same thing.

I've been running a Slack channel called ISP School for about a year now to bring together other interested people. Email me at matt@tsi.io if anybody wants an invitation.

is TSI a CLEC?

Nope. We argued that we were providing data services under the FCC definition of utility. The only real person who got in our way was the city attorney. He said that internet didn't qualify as Montana Code (circa 1950) only mentioned telephone and telegraph.

So we registered with the PSC as a telegraph provider...

I mean you have telephony via IP, and I'm sure there's an RFC to telegraphy via IP. So it's not wrong to say you're providing telegraphy. You're just choosing a very ... deep and expensive tech stack to do so.

Awesome. Do you actually have to sell telegram services?

Legally, I don't think so. But we did build a little Raspberry Pi based machine with a telegraph key. It needs some more work, but there are people who are legitimately wanting to buy the service.

There are people that want to buy telegraph service?

Surprisingly yes. I think it falls into two categories: nostalgia and hipster.

I was going to ask about the telegraph part of the name...hah. very interesting!

that's easy -- de-privatize the last mile access networks. run (copious strand count) fiber to everything, lease at standard pricing for every entrant, with operations & maintenance (and plant depreciation) built in.


I think the hardest thing about a municipal network like that is having a government organization competent in managing it. Streets are still mostly functional with potholes, but a network certainly isn't.

We're operating on a brand new municipal network right now and it's not awesome. In an effort to be fair to all parties, no one is actually in charge. The network operator is separate from the construction contractor who is separate from the bandwidth providers. It's extremely frustrating.

Where I live, the local government runs the last-mile powerline stuff. It appears to be as competent at it as any other place I've lived.

Even monopolies don't want to built networks in rural america. I can't imagine multiple competitors doing it.

It was the monopoly power of AT&T that got them phone lines in the first place.

Great to see all these functional concepts being possible in the classic languages!

Always worth knowing what's happening behind all the flashy UIs and JS. Great read!

Anybody have a full article link?

Paywall bypass bookmarklet https://jsfiddle.net/samx10/n6mxp8ag/

Thanks. I'm curious - why does WSJ allow a referrer from facebook to bypass the paywall?

Very nicely written post. Always great to know there are Data Structures for solving most problems efficiently.

Another interesting but less talked about tree is the Bkd tree.


Yes interesting stuff. Seems similar in nature to "Vantage Point" trees.


All the images under the "How searching a VP-Tree works" are broken :/

oh bummer, it was working six months ago...

Wayback machine to the rescue!


They could be extracting the 1st, 6th and 7th characters, concat them and storing the hash (+salt) of the resulting string. That way they can check equality without storing the plaintext password.

You could extend this by storing the hash of all 3-letter combinations of the password on entry. Then ask for a random combination of 3-letters.

You realize that this is trivial to brute force, though.

I never said it was a good way of storing passwords. It reduces entropy. I'm just saying there is way to both have hashed password storage as well as "asking for 3 random letters of you password at login".

You replied to a comment saying "That implies that they store plaintext or something reversible." You posted about hashing in a way that implies that comment is wrong. But that comment is completely correct. Taking three characters and hashing it is easily reversible. And then the attacker gets to log in.

The question is not whether on a technical level something got hashed. The question is whether a hash protects the password against brute forcing. And the answer is no.

Not when they'd presumably lock the account for some period of time after a few failed attempts.

Password hashing is used to prevent the brute forcing when the attacker already has the copy of the password database, and is free from any failed attempt limits and timeouts. And in this case storing hashes of all 3-letter combos is basically useless, since all those hashes are very easy to bruteforce.

Ah ok, so you're starting from the assumption that the site has already been owned and the attacker has the hashed passwords. In which case yes, it does make it easier.

Can't it be achieved by this simple steps? Consider ur password is y. a) f(y, i) = a func that gets i'th character of a pass. y; b) hash(x) is ur hashing func; c) x0 = hash(y); d) concat(a, b) - concatination func; 1. x1 = hash(concat(f(y,1), x0)); 2. x2 = hash(concat(f(y,2)+x0)); . . etc

Store in DB id position hash user_id 1 0 x0 1 2 1 x1 1 3 2 x2 1

No. You limit to 3 attempts per user before you go to the bank to show ID.

Why do hacker news people think they are better at security than multi billion dollar banks?

Because in some cases they are.

Many banks (I work for one of them) follow reasonable best practices, allow or require strong passwords, store them safely and require sensible second security factors. Others are decades behind in security, using nonsensical security schemes like the ones morgante and mng2 described above or requiring your password to be letters and numbers only between 6 to 8 characters.

If you care about security, stick with the banks who do as well. Make sure their password guidelines are in order, go with the ones that make you use a second factor, and if you ever see any hints they're storing your password in plain text, run.

Hashes are meant to secure the password in the event of a db compromise. The 3-try-lockout thing is useless if you have the hash.

You're conflating completely different kinds of security.

Banks are good at not losing money.

But website security is an afterthought for them.

It's easy to make a website that has better security practices than a typical bank website.

It's not about having better skills or resources, it's about having the motivation to do it in the first place.

A bank could set up spectacular security, but that doesn't mean they usually do so.

I'm guessing you've never worked in IT, but security is a joke in the entire industry.

Everybody knows that we are hopeless at it, and often the flaws that are exploited are just as simple as this.

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