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A very trivial thing (having used both PostgreSQL and MySQL in production for many years) , I find Mysql's EXPLAIN query much easier to grok than the postgresql's query plan.

Doing gods work! Kudos to whoever at Autodesk on open sourcing this.

quoting the author "Using electrons, protons, and neutrons, it is possible to build: ... a conscious mind; "

are 'you' just a collection of electrons, protons and neutrons ?

Fundamentally, all that I am is built from electrons, protons, and neutrons, but if you think I am "just a collection" of such things, you might struggle to differentiate between a human and a rock.

I also think that thinking of ourselves as "ultimately" being "nothing more" than whatever fundamentals give rise to our existence is a great way to deprive ourselves of meaning, given that there's quite a bit that goes on between the subatomic level and the experience you have as you read this. For example, from my own particular materialist point of view, I don't spend much time thinking about subatomic particles when I want to deepen the sense of "meaning" I have about any particular experience.

Fundamentally, I believe, the main issue is that we have a tendency to believe or think that "reality" (the world/universe), is separate from us. But we cannot separate our perception or experience of reality from it. If I don't exist, then _my_ reality doesn't exist. And there's no way for anyone to experience anyone else's reality. So all individual realities are that, individual, and maybe a lot of us can agree on some stuff, but that doesn't necessarily mean that stuff is objectively real for everyone/the universe. We each individually assign meaning to our own experiences and then need to deal with the (maybe apparent) difference in meaning or interpretation among ourselves.

I believe the next big revolution in physics is going to come from incorporating perception and "the observer" as a fundamental part of the models. Consciousness, from my perspective, is the only way we have to "know" the world, which to me means that consciousness is even more basic/fundamental than matter, time or space. And so far, the whole field of physics has been pretty much ignoring it ️

well said! The argument between various schools of philosophy (which includes Materialists / Realists) is age old. We need to revisit / refresh each point of views so we deepen the understanding of 'our' nature. I would suggest a reading of Vedanta school of philosophy as a counter point to Materialism.

I am the rock. Though currently I am experiencing this body.

I fondly hope for a reverse wealth drain from UK to India at the same scale or more.

Indeed, or at least the dissolution of imperial legacy culture through domination by the populations and cultures of ex-colonies. Independence was a mistake. It only cemented global apartheid. There is still time to demand democracy instead, starting with imperial states granting the residents of former colonies the full rights of citizens unconditionally.

If you hate our culture so much why do you want citizenship?

This is a personal attack and those will get you banned here. So will nationalistic or political flamewar, which you've crossed into several times. So please read the rules (https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html) and don't do these things on HN.

Who's the 'our' that's taking ownership of culture here?

Also, just logically speaking, the parent wasn't talking about assimilation into a culture they despise, but rather about subordination. I don't agree with their perspective, but I'm more sympathetic to it than I am to yours.

The number of apologists for colonialism on this thread is depressing.

A case can be made that since the British looted foreign countries to create their infrastructure it is only fair that the citizens of those countries be allowed to enjoy the fruits of their ancestors' labours.

A case can be made for a lot of things. That isn't the same as saying a good case can be made for it.

So basically, you'd like to just destroy any productivity the UK has by flooding it with low skilled ag-workers who would need to live off of government subsidies?

How exactly would that occur?

(throwaway account)

After 12 years (of which 7+ years waiting for a green card) I have come to a similar conclusion.

How do you compare living in Canada vs USA , like schools and opportunities for spouses ?

I waited for 3 years in a top American company and I concluded that I will be wasting all my productive years for a GreenCard.

What use is a GreenCard to me when I am old ?

What will happen to my kid's school and education if I am forced to move from one location to another ?

What if I buy a home and I cant live in that because I have to move to another state ?

Why can't I accept job roles which differs 50% than the one in my PERM ?

Why should I redo my LCA if the next job is more than 50 miles ?

Should I stay put in a place and do not ask for salary raise till I get my greencard ?

To hell with all these draconian immigration system.

So I opened up my stackoverflow careers for jobs in Canada, landed a job and they processed my temporary work permit(in 4 months time). Landed in Canada in 2014 and within 1 year we became a permanent residents through the Express Entry program. We bought a home recently.


Since I was on H1B, I was given very less (110K) compared to American counterparts who does the same job. But the Canadian employer did not see me like an indentured servant. I was paid more than the US salary. (conversion considered).

The quality of schools I cannot comment because we do not have any kids yet.

Spouse can work !

My wife could not work in the US (She is a masters degree holder). She was sitting in the apartment watching Indian TV channels all day and trying out new dishes. I knew she was getting frustrated day by day.

My wife got a job within 2 months after landing in Canada befitting her education and experience.

We didn't mind the cold. We cared for equal treatment, freedom in life, acceptance and a peaceful life. We got everything as we expected after moving here. We have started to enjoy our life now.

Glad you made the move. Thank you for the info, will explore more.

I have changed jobs about 5 times, each time the new employer had to redo the I-140 (retaining the priority date from the first application).

The whole process is so broken. My colleagues from east Europe could get their green card within a year of application and yet Im forced to wait for years!

I fully understand. Australia is another option if not Canada. For me, I don't like to live on the edge, every decision I made in the US was dependent on my visa. Why should I risk and depend on my luck for US immigration's mercy when I have the skills ? I did not know the pitfalls of US broken immigration system when I came to the US. If I knew earlier, I would have immigrated somewhere else. Anyways all I can say is 4 years of my life was wasted by staying in the US.

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