IMO, the issue is not the tablets themselves but the apps.
The thing Google should focus on, is promoting good apps, they're are currently doing some promoting (e.g. staff picks, top developer), but a developer's choice when it comes to this type of promoting is limited to hope. What they need is something like the Apple's approval system, but not to the extreme of "the app is either approved or denied". The developer can pay a fee to get his app reviewed (UX, performance, ...etc) and when "approved", it gets a symbol (check mark, star, whatever) and put on a category of "promoted" apps. This will probably encourage more developers to put more effort, and more users to trust more the quality of promoted apps.
The problem with this approach is that the app expects the permission and will most likely crash if rejected. One alternative which works better is the LBE Privacy Guard app, what it does is, instead of denying the app to read the contacts list for example, it simply gives it an empty one.
> _So I don't know what you have to do, pay each developer, hold a $100 million contest for Android tablet apps, reject their apps if they don't also make a tablet version within 6 months - whatever_
One thing they can do is promote good apps, not the way they're currently doing it (e.g. Staff picks, Top developer), but with something like the Apple's approval system, but not to the extreme of "the app is either approved or denied". I was thinking more like the dev can pay a fee to get his app reviewed (UI, performance, ...etc) and when "approved", it gets a symbol (check mark, star, whatever) and put on a category of "approved" apps. This will probably encourage more devs to work more on their apps to get them promoted.
The shared TODO list is great, a shared calendar would be good. An option to sync with 3rd party online calendar is even better.
I never managed to get my wife to regularly check our shared Google calendar, too much apps to check for her. A simple app which handles all the couple tasks in one place is a great solution.