Yes, but to be honest it became too hard to get this working the way I wanted it to.
Later on, once I finally have a real vacation, I plan on combing this with a few of my other projects to make something very easy to use. I consider myself to be a collector of other useful techniques.
For example, for my PiBluetoothMidSetup project all I did was make a manual process significantly easier( I also had to update some minor C bindings for compatibility with the latest Raspbian).
I try to have smaller projects that I can finish over a weekend in between my larger ones.
For example my Bluetooth Midi Pi project took about a few days to finish, was posted here and was well received.
My upcoming game, Project Haze has been in some development for about 18 months or so. I'll often take long breaks with it, my goals are vastly different since it's a commercial project.
Instead of pushing it to GitHub and sharing it, I have to get it on Itch or Steam, etc. If possible I'd love to take time off to focus on shipping the first version. Before this game I also shipped a small mobile game.
My best tip would be to start very small. Make the smallest possible project you can this weekend. You can always expand upon it later.
Starting small seems to be really helpful as far as I've been able to see in the comments. I will keep that to heart, and I'll commit to making a super small project this very weekend. Thank you, and best of luck for your upcoming game!
While I could of done this in Bash.
1. I don't really like Bash
2. Python is much easier. I did challenge myself to only use Python's built in libraries, but aside from being unable to use Yaml everything works.
I can imagine in some environments you might not have access to a Python interrupter though...