Proof that good electronic music with artful classical influences gets zero attention is that this comment would be at the bottom of the page with a sub-zero rating.
Proof that there is no such thing as bad publicity is that parent comment managed to differentiate itself and draw attention to its core content by leveraging, intentional or not, a sub-zero rating.
I'd like to point out that the initial comment said something along the lines of hi I'm part of the computer science community and I make unconventional sounds you might like. I only changed it after it was ostracized to reflect the reality of our disconnection.
Let's start with that I didn't downvote the comment you've now changed that one into. I downvoted something else and I think it's at least a bad tone to liberally edit comments.
Second, the original comment said nothing about you being part of the community. It looked like poor self-promotion of some musical piece I didn't find interesting, let alone unique or "unconventional".
I don't really understand what kind of "disconnection" you are trying prove. In any case, please don't vandalize others' votes.
Not just that, with the new update every time you launch the iPhone app it asks you "Twitter would like to use your current location, allow, don't allow"
That's interesting. The alert should only be presented to you twice - if you respond No to both cases, it should simply disable location services for the app.
Mind you, I did that manually - at least once I discovered it leaves them enabled the whole time the app's running, which means a significant battery hit on the GPS.
Generalizations... For example is iTunes truly changing the face of the music industry? No, true music collectors, you know the ones that will remember a song for more than a week, seek high quality, both content and file format music elsewhere.
The same will happen to the non-braindead of the internet, sure garbage pushed information will become popular (like a G6) but truly good content will not disappear. It will however become harder to find, but that's a revolution for a later date.
In 2010 I decided to fully focus only on what truly matters to me and became a music producer ( I wake up happy every morning and go to sleep excited about the next day, every single day.
In 2011 I'm going to keep cutting my path while plowing through pressures to commercialize my ideas.
In response to d_r words: "Will I get downvoted if I squeak out that this isn't Reddit or Digg -- that posts like these ruin HN? I found HackerNews just a few months ago with excitement that I can read about entrepreneurs, startups, VC drama, latest frameworks, math problems, and all other goodness. I devoured each link with the thrill of learning something new, in short breaks from coding. I didn't feel like I was wasting productive time.
Now I feel guilty looking at the front page.
(By the way, this is not meant in any way to put down the amazing project depicted here.)"
"and all other goodness" is what this is. It is an art to exist as a whole and actually live. Hacker news is more than "vc drama," and "startups," it is about taking control of your universe because it is all you have and all you make it.
Take my advice when the inevitable awakening hits you and take longer breaks and look, really look. The world is way more fun than "feeling like you are wasting productive time."
I'm sorry to be uncivil, but this is melodramatic nonsense. This article is not HN material and my relief at seeing it killed has been replaced by distress that it was resurrected. Perhaps the mod/pg who rezzed it could explain why?