1. | | Rivals Seize On Troubles of Facebook (nytimes.com) |
8 points by asp742 on May 24, 2010 | past
2. | | Selling a Story - The Cocktail Creationist (nymag.com) |
6 points by asp742 on Dec 1, 2009 | past | 2 comments
3. | | Founder Linda Avey Leaves 23andMe (techcrunch.com) |
1 point by asp742 on Sept 7, 2009 | past
4. | | Origin Story - TAM looks at origins of institutions (thisamericanlife.org) |
2 points by asp742 on June 22, 2009 | past
5. | | Whitehouse flickr stream first 100 days (flickr.com) |
1 point by asp742 on April 30, 2009 | past
6. | | EFF coder's rights website (eff.org) |
1 point by asp742 on Aug 6, 2008 | past
7. | | Tracking a Shopper's Habits (technologyreview.com) |
1 point by asp742 on Aug 5, 2008 | past
8. | | Part-time apps developers getting rich (9to5mac.com) |
90 points by asp742 on Aug 1, 2008 | past | 50 comments
9. | | The Googling (thevacationeers.com) |
1 point by asp742 on July 20, 2008 | past
10. | | Online articles lead to rapid scientific consensus, forgotten ideas (arstechnica.com) |
12 points by asp742 on July 18, 2008 | past | 7 comments
11. | | The Development of Intuitionistic Logic (stanford.edu) |
1 point by asp742 on July 18, 2008 | past
12. | | Google Code Jam qualification round begins tonight (code.google.com) |
1 point by asp742 on July 16, 2008 | past
13. | | Who owns JavaScript? (jeffcroft.com) |
1 point by asp742 on April 30, 2008 | past
14. | | Subscribing to RSS Theory (subtraction.com) |
1 point by asp742 on April 29, 2008 | past
15. | | UShow - A video recorder for the iPhone (ushow.com) |
1 point by asp742 on April 19, 2008 | past
16. | | Targeted Ads Designed for You (technologyreview.com) |
1 point by asp742 on April 12, 2008 | past
17. | | Juggernaut self-contained habitat for plants (philross.org) |
1 point by asp742 on April 9, 2008 | past | 1 comment
18. | | Understanding the Efficiency of Social Tagging Systems using Information Theory (scribd.com) |
1 point by asp742 on April 9, 2008 | past
19. | | International Sentiment Analysis for News and Blogs (scribd.com) |
1 point by asp742 on April 9, 2008 | past | 2 comments
20. | | Stefanie Posavec “On the Map” (notcot.com) |
1 point by asp742 on April 9, 2008 | past
21. | | Search engine relevance - an empirical test (doloreslabs.com) |
4 points by asp742 on April 7, 2008 | past | 3 comments
22. | | Reinforcement Learning 2008 Competition (rl-competition.org) |
2 points by asp742 on April 7, 2008 | past
23. | | Lecture on Graphical Models by Zoubin Ghahramani (videolectures.net) |
1 point by asp742 on April 7, 2008 | past
24. | | Science 2.0: Studying Collaboration in Socio-Technical Systems (umd.edu) |
1 point by asp742 on April 6, 2008 | past
25. | | Direct to consumer genetic testing raises concerns (arstechnica.com) |
1 point by asp742 on April 4, 2008 | past
26. | | On Markets and Complexity with Economist Robert C. Merton (technologyreview.com) |
1 point by asp742 on April 3, 2008 | past