1. | | Ms's new video editor transcodes video by sending every frame to sharepoint (twitter.com/schizoduckie) |
4 points by SchizoDuckie 4 months ago | past | 4 comments
2. | | Show HN: A multiple choice "flash card" game for my daughter using GPT4 (schizoduckie.github.io) |
4 points by SchizoDuckie 5 months ago | past
3. | | Fujitsu spilled private client data,passwords into the open unnoticed for a year (thestack.technology) |
3 points by SchizoDuckie 8 months ago | past
4. | | Data Breach: Medical records may have ended up in GitHub's Arctic Code vault (databreaches.net) |
4 points by SchizoDuckie on April 1, 2021 | past | 1 comment
5. | | No Need to Hack When It’s Leaking – How I Found 150-200K Phi Records via GitHub (databreaches.net) |
5 points by SchizoDuckie on Aug 16, 2020 | past
6. | | Show HN: [Weekend Project] Putinpointer.com (putinpointer.com) |
2 points by SchizoDuckie on June 5, 2017 | past
7. | | Bunnies in Second Life will die due to their DRM'ed food being taken offline (rockpapershotgun.com) |
15 points by SchizoDuckie on May 22, 2017 | past | 5 comments
8. | | Show HN: DuckieTV 1.1.4: Multi-Platform Angular.js TV Show Tracker (github.com/schizoduckie) |
1 point by SchizoDuckie on March 4, 2017 | past
9. | | Show HN: What you need to do when Google api oAuth tokens keep expiring (medium.com/schizoduckie) |
4 points by SchizoDuckie on Feb 4, 2017 | past
10. | | UnicornKeygen: My first reverse engineering attempt (github.com/cedrick84) |
3 points by SchizoDuckie on March 7, 2016 | past
11. | | Torrents-Time Security Issues (andrew.im) |
3 points by SchizoDuckie on Feb 11, 2016 | past
12. | | Dutch police deploys low tech anti-drone measure: birds of prey (nos.nl) |
2 points by SchizoDuckie on Jan 31, 2016 | past | 1 comment
13. | | Netanel Rubin – The Perl Jam 2. Perl Is Dead (simple to Exploit) [pdf] (dsst.io) |
2 points by SchizoDuckie on Jan 8, 2016 | past | 2 comments
14. | | Open source, cross-platform video player with language learning features (github.com/oaprograms) |
2 points by SchizoDuckie on Oct 20, 2015 | past
15. | | The UX Dark Patterns (medium.com/kaitinghuang) |
1 point by SchizoDuckie on Oct 17, 2015 | past
16. | | Fixing Photoshop (medium.com/vervalkon) |
2 points by SchizoDuckie on Sept 13, 2015 | past
17. | | Apple devs wontfix webkit bugs by Jake Archibald because “he's a dick about it” (twitter.com/jaffathecake) |
2 points by SchizoDuckie on Sept 11, 2015 | past
18. | | Open-source Playstation 4 SDK (github.com/cturt) |
166 points by SchizoDuckie on Sept 6, 2015 | past | 23 comments
19. | | Openhub.net now requires you to give them your ceel phone # to do any edit (openhub.net) |
1 point by SchizoDuckie on Aug 11, 2015 | past
20. | | Mac EFI Update 2015-001: malicious root app may be able to modify EFI flash (support.apple.com) |
1 point by SchizoDuckie on July 30, 2015 | past | 1 comment
21. | | Show HN: One day weekend project: Chrome Plugin that controls Philips Smart TVs (github.com/schizoduckie) |
2 points by SchizoDuckie on July 25, 2015 | past
22. | | Hacking Team’s Flash 0-day: Potent enough to infect actual Chrome user (arstechnica.com) |
4 points by SchizoDuckie on July 11, 2015 | past
23. | | How to build an OS X .pkg installer for your node-webkit app on Linux (medium.com/schizoduckie) |
1 point by SchizoDuckie on July 7, 2015 | past
24. | | HackingTeam.Com torrent fully accessible as individual files by CthulhuSec (thecthulhu.com) |
3 points by SchizoDuckie on July 6, 2015 | past
25. | | Evaluating an MRI machine: 140+ ports open, on public WiFi, crash on portscan (twitter.com/chriseng) |
4 points by SchizoDuckie on June 23, 2015 | past
26. | | Easily create user avatars with the selfie directive for angular.js (schizoduckie.github.io) |
1 point by SchizoDuckie on June 20, 2015 | past
27. | | Chrome bug resolved after 2.5 years. We can use datalist in extensions now (code.google.com) |
1 point by SchizoDuckie on June 17, 2015 | past
28. | | DuckieTV – TV Show Tracker / Downloader Built with Angular.js and Node-Webkit (duckie.tv) |
1 point by SchizoDuckie on May 14, 2015 | past
29. | | 3D WebGL fractal laboratory in your browser (hirnsohle.de) |
1 point by SchizoDuckie on May 6, 2015 | past
30. | | Crashing 3 quadcopters at once (youtube.com) |
2 points by SchizoDuckie on April 25, 2015 | past
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