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It's not. The FDIC is ultimately collateralized by the entire US economy and will change the rules on a whim to collateralize ineligible depositors as seen in the silicon bank fiasco. On paper there is a limit but in practice it is as high as the rich and powerful like.

It's not even a problem if they run out of imaginary money because the fed can simply ease in more to the FDIC via debt shell games.

MAHASLOY LINK : https ://linkfb.cc/mahaslot

MAHASLOY LINK : https ://linkfb.cc/mahaslot

Damn AI turned into a shit coin scammer quick with that token launch.

"AI" has always been a marketing term first, there's a great clip of John McCarthy on twitter/X basically pointing out that he invented the term "Artificial Intelligence" for marketing purposes [0].

Don't read too deeply into what exactly is AI. Likewise I recommend not being too cynical about it either. McCarthy and those around him absolutely did pioneer some incredible, world changing work under that moniker.

Regarding your particular critiques, natural intelligence very often also cannot provide a "why". If you follow any particular technical field deep enough it's not uncommon to come across ideas that currently have deep rigorous proofs behind them, that basically started as hunch. Consider the very idea of "correlation" which seems rooted in mathematical truths, was basically invented by Galton because he couldn't find causal methods to prove his theories of eugenics (it was his student Pearson, who later took this idea and refined it further).

Are we in an AI bubble? Very likely, but that doesn't mean there's not incredible finds to be had with all this cash flowing around. AI winters can be just as irrational (remember that Perceptron basically caused the first AI winter by exposing the XOR problem, despite the fact that it was well known this could be solved with trivial modifications).

0. https://x.com/evgenymorozov/status/1801618105245831478

Have you tried zot? https://www.cncf.io/projects/zot/


Here are all the projects already using zot in some form or another.


huh thats strange because I have a BSE and graduated from engineering school. Sure the history major bootcamp grads arent real engineers and we need to weed them out of the industry but there are some of us who are actually real engineers

You say this isn't a build system. Is there a build system it is designed to work with? I'm not sure I understand the point of separating the test runner from the build system. Is it to allow any build system to work with it?

Sadly my data was actually exposed during the hack and I haven't even had AT&T for the last 5 years. So it's pretty bad when I haven't used their service in years. I currently use Ting.

If we're leaning towards dominating our thoughts towards cases of people being deaded,the ATF has literally burned dozens of children alive to enforce alcohol/tobacco/firearms regulations. So that's not an argument in favor of the ATF regulating this.

Key here is what is publicly available I think - agree though it's a fine line

That wasn't the question. Question is if interstate commerce. If you grow a plant on your own land and sort of sell it to your own business maybe it's commerce, but only interstate by the most disingenuous stretch.

The EU equivalent would be EU constitution allowing restriction on internation commerce but then considering commerce entirely within France to be internation because hypothetically people in France might have otherwise bought from Germany.

It's of the same vein of intersecting with regulatory agency powers. A lot of people who's paycheck depend on both cases are real nervous right now, and making a lot of noise to save their dental plan. ATF comes to mind.

That would be in the order of previous GIL-removal projects, which were abandoned for that reason.

Then you can amend the constitution, or Congress can agree to let those states secede.

Yes, but then extensions can already release the GIL and use the simple and industrial strength std::thread, which is orders of magnitude easier to debug.

Interstate compacts (same law across most/all states) were used before the bastardized version of interstate commerce. Can be used again.

C++ has apt-get etc. because the libraries do not change all the time. Also, of course there are vcpkg and conan.

Whenever you try to build something via pip, the build will invariably fail. The times that NumPy built from source from PyPI are long over. In fact, at least 50% of attempted package builds fail.

The alternative of binary wheels is flaky.

https://www.teaconnect.org/tea-inspire.html is where industry meets for such things. Hoping that will allow you to make some useful connections. Good luck!

We are still getting laid off unfortunately.

Thank you for the feedback on the lack of context. Added some preamble and related background articles.

> The best SRE team I was ever on beat the industry averages for gender equity. We had 50% women, including a Black woman, and a trans woman.

You had less than 50% women then, as one of them was actually a man. Pretending that men are women if they say they're women does fuck all for female equality. Quite the opposite in fact. It's such a pernicious lie, and a huge insult to real women that these male pretenders are taken seriously. Do better please.

> You make it sound like the entire purpose of the trans movement is controlling what terms other people use for you.

It's not the entire purpose. That's part of it, the rest is about enabling abusive men to insert themselves into any place that women and girls have separate from men and boys. They won't accept that women have the right to say no. These men have a rapist mindset and the trans movement is their shield and sword.

Hi, wanted to share a site I made and launched last week in literary corners of Reddit. It went semi-viral, and now I just got my 500th user.

It's essentially a letterboxd for literature, with emphasis on community and personalization. You can set your profile picture, banner image, and username which becomes your URL. You can also set a spotify track for your shelf. I took huge UI inspirations from Substack, Arena, and letterboxd. You have a bookshelf, reviews, and lists. You can set descriptions for each of them, e.g. link your are.na, reddit, or more. There's also a salon, where you can ask quick questions and comment on other threads. It's like a mini reddit contained within the site. You also have notifications, where you get alerted if a user likes your review, thread, list, etc. I want the users to interact with each other and engage with each other. The reviews are markdown-supported, and fosters long-formats with a rich text editor (gives writing texture IMO) rather than letterboxd one sentence quips that no one finds funny. The API is OpenLibrary, which I found better than Google books.

For example, here's my bookshelf: https://www.literary.salon/shelf/lowiqmarkfisher. It's pretty sparse because I'm so burnt out, but I hope it gets the gist across.

I tried to model the site off of real bookshelves. If you add a book to your shelf, it indicates that you "Want to Read" it. Then, there are easy toggles to say you "Like" the book or "Read" the book. Rather than maintaining 3 separate sections like GR, I tried to mimic how a IRL shelf works.

IMO Goodreads and even storygraph do not foster any sort of community, and most of all, the site itself lacks perspective and a taste level (not that I have good taste, but you guys do). /r/Truelit, and a few other lit subs that I frequent, should be cherished and fostered. IMO every "goodreads alternative" failed due to the fact that they were never rooted in any real community. No one cares about what actual strangers read or write. You care about what people you think have better taste than you read and write. I am saying this tongue in cheek, but it's true IMO. I really do think we can start something really special in this bleak age of the internet where we can't even set banner images on our intimate online spaces. I also believe the community can set a taste level and a perspective that organically grows from a strong community.

My future ambition is to make this site allow self-publishing and original writing. That would be so fucking awesome. Or perhaps a marketplace for rare first editions etc etc. Also more personalization. We'll figure it out. Also maybe we could "editors" so they could feature some of their favorite reviews and lists? Mods of the sub, if you have any ideas, please let me know. For now, I made my own "Editor's picks": https://www.literary.salon/lists?tab=editorspick

BTW, I made a discord so you can report bugs, or suggest features. Please don't be shy, I stared at this site so long that I've completely lost touch with reality. I trust your feedback more than my intuition. https://discord.gg/VBrsR76FV3. I will consider myself on-call for the foreseeable future. If something breaks, I will wake up at 3 AM to fix it. Please feel free to ping me!

FTSE all-world

The article does discuss this, and the main point to understand is that his mother was a slave and was then emancipated, meaning any children she had prior to emancipation were born into slavery. The article says that his father emancipated both his mother and him. It does not state that there is 100% definitive evidence of his status at birth but given his mother's status and the lack of baptismal records for his birth, it is very likely he was born a slave.

Precisely, ease of writing, not ease of reading (the whole project, not just a tiny snippet of code) or supporting it long-term.

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