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Stories from October 8, 2023
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1. Decomposing language models into understandable components (anthropic.com)
445 points by tompark 11 months ago | 62 comments
2. OpenIPC: Alternative open firmware for your IP camera (github.com/openipc)
363 points by danboarder 11 months ago | 59 comments
3. Organization probably doesn't want to improve things (mataroa.blog)
524 points by l0b0 11 months ago | 468 comments
4. Why I can no longer recommend a Mac to fellow blind computer users (applevis.com)
387 points by devinprater 11 months ago | 90 comments
5. A Repairman's View of Portable Minidisc Recorders (2000) (minidisc.org)
99 points by ecliptik 11 months ago | 59 comments
6. Sonoma's log gets briefer and more secretive (eclecticlight.co)
214 points by ingve 11 months ago | 100 comments
7. Tiny Language Models Come of Age (quantamagazine.org)
174 points by nsoonhui 11 months ago | 78 comments
8. How to compete with Patreon (siderea.dreamwidth.org)
265 points by rwmj 11 months ago | 223 comments
9. Austria rail operator OeBB unveils new night trains (techxplore.com)
261 points by PaulHoule 11 months ago | 260 comments
10. Forty years of programming (fabiensanglard.net)
293 points by billiob 11 months ago | 172 comments
11. Before Skynet and The Matrix, there was Colossus: The Forbin Project (ign.com)
177 points by cglong 11 months ago | 100 comments
12. The Economics of Programming Languages [video] (youtube.com)
283 points by satvikpendem 11 months ago | 127 comments
13. Mitigations=off considered harmful or spurious SIGILL on AMD Zen4 (level1techs.com)
133 points by 2bluesc 11 months ago | 36 comments
14. Summary of “The Procrastination Equation” (njlifehacks.com)
180 points by caned 11 months ago | 55 comments
15. Role of Algorithms (matklad.github.io)
186 points by GlobalFrying 11 months ago | 51 comments
16. Scaling Knative to 100K+ Webapps (render.com)
141 points by anurag 11 months ago | 31 comments
17. An implantable device could enable injection-free control of diabetes (news.mit.edu)
152 points by thebigspacefuck 11 months ago | 43 comments
18. The Tailscale Universal Docker Mod (tailscale.dev)
245 points by notamy 11 months ago | 60 comments
19. Railway time (wikipedia.org)
94 points by perihelions 11 months ago | 45 comments
20. Does Market Timing Work? (schwab.com)
164 points by alihm 11 months ago | 280 comments
21. A Raspberry Pi 5 is better than two Pi 4S (hackaday.com)
253 points by MrBuddyCasino 11 months ago | 202 comments
22. Fastest sailboat: Two wild designs (newatlas.com)
179 points by clouddrover 11 months ago | 91 comments
23. Calling Rust from Python (frankel.ch)
113 points by RebootStr 11 months ago | 32 comments
24. Lost film of life in Brazil’s Amazon 100 years ago resurfaces (theguardian.com)
152 points by telesilla 11 months ago | 22 comments
25. Numbers in Various Languages (omniglot.com)
64 points by RandomRRR 11 months ago | 37 comments
26. Pg_bm25: Elastic-Quality Full Text Search Inside Postgres (paradedb.com)
206 points by billwashere 11 months ago | 71 comments
27. Fury – Fast multi-language serialization framework powered by JIT and Zero-copy (github.com/alipay)
142 points by chaokunyang 11 months ago | 68 comments
28. Writing down unfiltered thoughts enhances self-knowledge (scientificamerican.com)
193 points by elorant 11 months ago | 79 comments
29. Twenty: A Modern open-source CRM (github.com/twentyhq)
164 points by pretext 11 months ago | 67 comments
30. Why is Debian the way it is? (liw.fi)
312 points by brycewray 11 months ago | 188 comments

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