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Stories from March 31, 2022
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1. The smallest and worst HDMI display (mitxela.com)
969 points by todsacerdoti on March 31, 2022 | 162 comments
2. I'm a scam prevention expert and I got scammed (lupinia.net)
865 points by matiskay on March 31, 2022 | 544 comments
3. The wild world of non-C operating systems (theregister.com)
332 points by dharmatech on March 30, 2022 | 308 comments
4. Ubiquiti vs. Krebs (courtlistener.com)
378 points by ghostoftiber on March 31, 2022 | 245 comments
5. Mastodon 3.5 (joinmastodon.org)
373 points by d4a on March 31, 2022 | 180 comments
6. Hard to work with (lethain.com)
366 points by jger15 on March 30, 2022 | 185 comments
7. Turn your phone into a space monitoring tool (esa.int)
357 points by JeanMarcS on March 31, 2022 | 90 comments
8. How Go mitigates supply chain attacks (go.dev)
311 points by spacey on March 31, 2022 | 255 comments
9. “This shouldn’t happen”: Inside the virus-hunting nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance (vanityfair.com)
323 points by jashkenas on March 31, 2022 | 238 comments
10. FORCEDENTRY: Sandbox Escape (googleprojectzero.blogspot.com)
260 points by ivank on March 31, 2022 | 48 comments
11. An Intuitive Guide to Linear Algebra (betterexplained.com)
285 points by cassepipe on March 31, 2022 | 56 comments
12. Supabase Edge Functions (supabase.com)
268 points by lightslit on March 31, 2022 | 64 comments
13. Can Grafana run Doom? (grafana.com)
230 points by thinkmassive on March 31, 2022 | 37 comments
14. Idol Words (astralcodexten.substack.com)
271 points by andromaton on March 30, 2022 | 37 comments
15. Excel 2.0 – Is there a better visual data model than a grid of cells? (subset.so)
246 points by antidnan on March 31, 2022 | 216 comments
16. What is triald and why is it taking so much disk space? (eclecticlight.co)
262 points by ingve on March 31, 2022 | 283 comments
17. Fast (2019) (patrickcollison.com)
189 points by TheAlchemist on March 31, 2022 | 97 comments
18. How does Firefox's Reader View work? (2020) (videoinu.com)
244 points by pmoriarty on March 31, 2022 | 102 comments
19. The singularity is close? (mkaic.substack.com)
170 points by mkaic on March 31, 2022 | 666 comments
20. Phenethylamines I Have Known and Loved (1991) (erowid.org)
202 points by graderjs on March 31, 2022 | 165 comments
21. Patrick's Parabox (twitter.com/gameralphabeta)
189 points by tosh on March 30, 2022 | 35 comments
22. AltWinDirStat (github.com/ariccio)
138 points by theandrewbailey on March 31, 2022 | 74 comments
23. How I operated as a Staff engineer at Heroku (2020) (amyunger.com)
173 points by craigkerstiens on March 31, 2022 | 76 comments
24. What do new Sudoku techniques teach us about real-world problem solving? (desystemize.substack.com)
244 points by Ariarule on March 31, 2022 | 67 comments
25. Go mod’s lesser known features (verdverm.com)
126 points by philosopher1234 on March 31, 2022 | 28 comments
26. Spring Core on JDK9 is vulnerable to remote code execution (praetorian.com)
157 points by groundshark on March 30, 2022 | 70 comments
27. A Foolish Consistency: Consul at Fly.io (fly.io)
148 points by soheilpro on March 30, 2022 | 69 comments
28. The entrance to a small personal site (t-ravis.com)
149 points by dbrereton on March 30, 2022 | 31 comments
29. Britain being forced to go cashless 'against its will' (telegraph.co.uk)
231 points by walterbell on March 30, 2022 | 566 comments
30. Their secret for workplace Zen: Landlines and ethernet cords (wsj.com)
115 points by imartin2k on March 30, 2022 | 205 comments

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