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Stories from January 2, 2019
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1. Algorithms, by Jeff Erickson (illinois.edu)
1463 points by bdr on Jan 2, 2019 | 238 comments
2. Ask HN: Who is hiring? (January 2019)
587 points by whoishiring on Jan 2, 2019 | 953 comments
3. New Horizons’ first hi-res imagery of Ultima Thule (jhuapl.edu)
697 points by mbrundle on Jan 2, 2019 | 143 comments
4. Letter from Tim Cook to Apple Investors (apple.com)
535 points by minimaxir on Jan 2, 2019 | 671 comments
5. Scratch 3.0 (scratch.mit.edu)
476 points by tumidpandora on Jan 2, 2019 | 110 comments
6. Cafe opens in Tokyo staffed by robots controlled by paralyzed people (soranews24.com)
559 points by mpweiher on Jan 2, 2019 | 133 comments
7. Lessons from Running a Small-Scale Electronics Factory in My Guest Bedroom (spun.io)
446 points by DominoTree on Jan 2, 2019 | 47 comments
8. Migrating from Google Analytics (thomashunter.name)
352 points by gorkemcetin on Jan 2, 2019 | 104 comments
9. A Visual Exploration of Gaussian Processes (jgoertler.com)
208 points by Schiphol on Jan 2, 2019 | 22 comments
10. Flair: A simple framework for natural language processing (github.com/zalandoresearch)
361 points by kumaranvpl on Jan 2, 2019 | 44 comments
11. A sane introduction to maximum likelihood estimation and maximum a posteriori (christianperone.com)
174 points by perone on Jan 2, 2019 | 18 comments
12. Non-Euclidean Worlds Engine [video] (youtube.com)
234 points by garis on Jan 2, 2019 | 50 comments
13. Marble Marcher: ray-traced real time game on the surface of evolving fractals (codeparade.itch.io)
345 points by tiborsaas on Jan 2, 2019 | 41 comments
14. Smalltalk 80 – Blue Book (1983) [pdf] (ducasse.free.fr)
122 points by tosh on Jan 2, 2019 | 42 comments
15. OpenSCAD: Software for creating solid 3D CAD objects (openscad.org)
216 points by justadudeama on Jan 2, 2019 | 127 comments
16. Warby Parker built a 1,400-employee company by focusing on team culture (jilt.com)
167 points by pmp301 on Jan 2, 2019 | 108 comments
17. Analyzing Core I9-9900K performance with Spectre and Meltdown mitigations (anandtech.com)
206 points by pplonski86 on Jan 2, 2019 | 79 comments
18. USB Type-C to Become More Secure with Authentication Standard (eweek.com)
178 points by CrankyBear on Jan 2, 2019 | 228 comments
19. What I learned at work this year (gatesnotes.com)
265 points by johndbeatty on Jan 2, 2019 | 123 comments
20. Norway's electric cars zip to new record: almost a third of all sales (reuters.com)
248 points by jonbaer on Jan 2, 2019 | 245 comments
21. Automatic categorization of text is a core tool now (abe-winter.github.io)
157 points by awinter-py on Jan 2, 2019 | 21 comments
22. The Commerce Department is considering national security restrictions on AI (nytimes.com)
163 points by tzury on Jan 1, 2019 | 91 comments
23. Thunderbird in 2019 (blog.mozilla.org)
341 points by richardboegli on Jan 2, 2019 | 163 comments
24. First Sednit UEFI Rootkit Unveiled [video] (ccc.de)
126 points by jonathankoren on Jan 1, 2019 | 42 comments
25. Fully static, unprivileged, self-contained, containers as executable binaries (github.com/genuinetools)
117 points by ingve on Jan 2, 2019 | 55 comments
26. Programmer as wizard, programmer as engineer (2018) (tedinski.com)
166 points by matfil on Jan 1, 2019 | 74 comments
27. Drawing is the best videogame (thecreativeindependent.com)
202 points by justanothersys on Jan 1, 2019 | 73 comments
28. Kuleshov effect (wikipedia.org)
151 points by petethomas on Jan 2, 2019 | 31 comments
29. How Atari created the Star Wars arcade game (2017) (arcadeblogger.com)
99 points by videotopia on Jan 1, 2019 | 37 comments
30. Google wins U.S. approval for radar-based hand motion sensor (reuters.com)
134 points by Cieplak on Jan 2, 2019 | 56 comments

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