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Stories from November 8, 2018
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1. Design Review: Key-Value Storage (mozilla.github.io)
305 points by espeed on Nov 8, 2018 | 85 comments
2. How to Design Software Good (haiku-os.org)
512 points by davisr on Nov 8, 2018 | 178 comments
3. Tell HN: Amazon now owns
565 points by STRML on Nov 8, 2018 | 313 comments
4. Linux on Dex (linuxondex.com)
376 points by TiredOfLife on Nov 7, 2018 | 217 comments
5. Now 2.0 (zeit.co)
415 points by Rauchg on Nov 8, 2018 | 117 comments
6. Ford Buying San Francisco-Area E-Scooter Startup Spin (nytimes.com)
247 points by newy on Nov 8, 2018 | 317 comments
7. Chart of the Decade: Why You Shouldn’t Trust Every Scientific Study You See (motherjones.com)
330 points by curtis on Nov 8, 2018 | 100 comments
8. Writing Network Drivers in Rust [pdf] (tum.de)
364 points by MrBuddyCasino on Nov 8, 2018 | 123 comments
9. How Dad's Stresses Get Passed Along to Offspring (scientificamerican.com)
387 points by chablent on Nov 8, 2018 | 109 comments
10. Micron Kicks Off Mass Production of 12 Gb DRAM Chips (anandtech.com)
185 points by rbanffy on Nov 8, 2018 | 102 comments
11. Amazon's AbeBooks backs down after booksellers stage global protest (theguardian.com)
143 points by ilamont on Nov 8, 2018 | 45 comments
12. Chicken Scheme 5.0 (nongnu.org)
303 points by mario-goulart on Nov 7, 2018 | 86 comments
13. How We Built a Cost-Based SQL Optimizer (cockroachlabs.com)
198 points by andydb on Nov 8, 2018 | 52 comments
14. A History of the Sentence "Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo." (1999-2015) (buffalo.edu)
181 points by mezod on Nov 8, 2018 | 127 comments
15. Spinning Up in Deep RL (blog.openai.com)
169 points by stablemap on Nov 8, 2018 | 17 comments
16. Writing Network Drivers in Go [pdf] (tum.de)
188 points by crunchiebones on Nov 7, 2018 | 47 comments
17. Phoenix 1.4.0 released (phoenixframework.org)
291 points by rehemiau on Nov 7, 2018 | 69 comments
18. The Road to GraphQL (robinwieruch.de)
219 points by yannikyeo on Nov 7, 2018 | 28 comments
19. Skill Stacking: A Practical Strategy to Achieve Career Success (dariusforoux.com)
189 points by devy on Nov 8, 2018 | 100 comments
20. Real time numbers recognition (MNIST) on an iPhone with CoreML (liip.ch)
137 points by uberneo on Nov 8, 2018 | 19 comments
21. 96-core ARM supercomputer using the NanoPi-Fire3 (climbers.net)
145 points by betolink on Nov 8, 2018 | 44 comments
22. Spectre.css – A Lightweight, Responsive and Modern CSS Framework (github.com/picturepan2)
220 points by tomcam on Nov 8, 2018 | 130 comments
23. LMDB: Intel Optane SSD Microbenchmark (lmdb.tech)
107 points by hyc_symas on Nov 8, 2018 | 27 comments
24. Zero-shot learning: Using text to more accurately identify images (fb.com)
117 points by pesenti on Nov 7, 2018 | 5 comments
25. Why Not to Build a Time-Series Database (outlyer.com)
204 points by dgildeh on Nov 7, 2018 | 126 comments
26. The making of an opioid epidemic (theguardian.com)
99 points by benbreen on Nov 8, 2018 | 70 comments
27. The Mercury programming language (mercurylang.org)
112 points by panic on Nov 7, 2018 | 73 comments
28. A note to our employees (blog.google)
244 points by minimaxir on Nov 8, 2018 | 397 comments
29. Dynamic Automatic Differentiation of GPU Broadcast Kernels [pdf] (mit.edu)
69 points by g0wda on Nov 8, 2018 | 7 comments
30. Big investors sue banks in U.S. over currency market rigging (reuters.com)
162 points by petethomas on Nov 8, 2018 | 56 comments

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