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Stories from December 30, 2016
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1. China announces ban on ivory trade by end of 2017 (bbc.com)
481 points by adamnemecek on Dec 30, 2016 | 173 comments
2. Kalzumeus Software Year in Review 2016 (kalzumeus.com)
402 points by mkeeter on Dec 30, 2016 | 249 comments
3. Once mocked, Facebook’s $1B acquisition of Instagram was a good move (bgr.com)
260 points by BishopD on Dec 30, 2016 | 190 comments
4. Facebook Doesn’t Tell Users Everything It Really Knows About Them (propublica.org)
438 points by colinprince on Dec 29, 2016 | 267 comments
5. The Hardware Hacker: Bunnie Huang's Tour-De-force (boingboing.net)
209 points by DemiGuru on Dec 30, 2016 | 40 comments
6. Larry Page is pouring millions into flying cars (vox.com)
230 points by dankohn1 on Dec 30, 2016 | 224 comments
7. Enter your address and find out everyone who represents you in U.S. government (whoaremyrepresentatives.org)
431 points by tony101 on Dec 30, 2016 | 158 comments
8. Dentsu CEO resigns after overworked employee commits suicide (cnn.com)
159 points by wjossey on Dec 30, 2016 | 151 comments
9. ThinkPad X1 Carbon (lenovo.com)
299 points by fiji-flo on Dec 30, 2016 | 526 comments
10. How to Validate Demand for Your Product (upupgrow.com)
262 points by mike2477 on Dec 29, 2016 | 41 comments
11. Ray-Casting Tutorial for Game Development and Other Purposes (1996) (permadi.com)
93 points by dosshell on Dec 30, 2016 | 7 comments
12. Uncertain Propulsion Breakthroughs? (centauri-dreams.org)
162 points by blater on Dec 30, 2016 | 94 comments
13. Anti Patterns Catalog (c2.com)
120 points by infogulch on Dec 30, 2016 | 54 comments
14. Nectar: A Native JavaScript Compiler Inspired by Crystal Lang and Nim Lang (seraum.com)
137 points by seraum on Dec 30, 2016 | 78 comments
15. Apple to slice iPhone production 10% due to sluggish sales (nikkei.com)
189 points by jseliger on Dec 30, 2016 | 426 comments
16. On the Exponential View (medium.com/azeem)
105 points by hunglee2 on Dec 30, 2016 | 13 comments
17. US government to withdraw longstanding warnings about cholesterol (2015) (washingtonpost.com)
257 points by winteriscoming on Dec 30, 2016 | 250 comments
18. U.S. Incarceration and Crime Rates Continue to Fall in Tandem (reason.com)
149 points by ascertain on Dec 30, 2016 | 120 comments
19. Operational calculus on programming spaces and generalized tensor networks (arxiv.org)
166 points by hcarvalhoalves on Dec 29, 2016 | 50 comments
20. Critiques of the DHS and FBI’s Grizzly Steppe Report (robertmlee.org)
100 points by kushti on Dec 30, 2016 | 105 comments
21. How Watership Down was written (1843magazine.com)
66 points by acsillag on Dec 30, 2016 | 2 comments
22. A Sad Announcement (omniref.com)
133 points by _qc3o on Dec 29, 2016 | 71 comments
23. Why Clojure? (2010) (thecleancoder.blogspot.com)
223 points by edem on Dec 30, 2016 | 279 comments
24. How Does Your Kindergarten Classroom Affect Your Earnings? (docs.google.com)
78 points by luu on Dec 29, 2016 | 41 comments
25. How Vienna produced ideas that shaped the West (economist.com)
157 points by mastazi on Dec 29, 2016 | 92 comments
26. Tile38 – Realtime geofencing and geospatial index, v1.7.0 (github.com/tidwall)
130 points by tidwall on Dec 30, 2016 | 26 comments
27. CDC considers lowering threshold level for lead exposure (reuters.com)
98 points by finid on Dec 30, 2016 | 52 comments
28. How to Run a More Secure Browser (dragonflybsd.org)
90 points by tdurden on Dec 30, 2016 | 35 comments
29. Show HN: Remember – A progressive Todo app (github.com/sanchitgn)
100 points by sanchitnevgi on Dec 30, 2016 | 36 comments
30. Insurance firm to replace human workers with AI system (mainichi.jp)
127 points by sjreese on Dec 30, 2016 | 69 comments

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