1. | | Elon Musk on How to Build the Future (ycombinator.com) |
1106 points by sama on Sept 15, 2016 | 513 comments
2. | | Angular 2 Final Released (angular.io) |
838 points by mikeryan52 on Sept 15, 2016 | 431 comments
3. | | Old Geek Jobs: fighting against ageism in the industry (oldgeekjobs.com) |
538 points by _csoo on Sept 15, 2016 | 379 comments
4. | | The building blocks of understanding are memorization and repetition (nautil.us) |
343 points by rgun on Sept 15, 2016 | 94 comments
5. | | A Pixel Artist Renounces Pixel Art (2015) (dinofarmgames.com) |
357 points by bpierre on Sept 15, 2016 | 114 comments
6. | | Old Geek (tbray.org) |
462 points by kungfudoi on Sept 15, 2016 | 235 comments
7. | | FBI director: Cover up your webcam (thehill.com) |
332 points by grej on Sept 15, 2016 | 289 comments
8. | | AngelList Braces for Rainy Days as Startup Seed Funding Falls (bloomberg.com) |
141 points by pavornyoh on Sept 15, 2016 | 82 comments
9. | | Arch Linux adapted for Windows Subsystem for Linux (github.com/turbo) |
267 points by hunterwerlla on Sept 14, 2016 | 160 comments
10. | | Restoring YC's Xerox Alto: how our boot disk was trashed with random data (righto.com) |
149 points by dwaxe on Sept 15, 2016 | 50 comments
11. | | Microservices (basho.com) |
314 points by otoolep on Sept 15, 2016 | 146 comments
12. | | All quiet in the IPv4 Internet? (apnic.net) |
152 points by okket on Sept 15, 2016 | 121 comments
13. | | Node v6.6.0 (nodejs.org) |
152 points by samber on Sept 15, 2016 | 47 comments
14. | | 411 – An Alert Management Web Application (fouroneone.io) |
86 points by ApsOps on Sept 15, 2016 | 30 comments
15. | | The Real-Life Plan to Drain the Mediterranean and Merge Africa and Europe (atlasobscura.com) |
119 points by Thevet on Sept 15, 2016 | 81 comments
16. | | The Doomed Mouse Utopia That Inspired the 'Rats of NIMH' (atlasobscura.com) |
175 points by tosh on Sept 15, 2016 | 103 comments
17. | | Show HN: I invented a caffeinated toothpaste (powertoothpaste.com) |
169 points by nappy on Sept 15, 2016 | 281 comments
18. | | Web2Web Bootstrap (elendirx.github.io) |
131 points by feross on Sept 14, 2016 | 63 comments
19. | | Auto-GCAS Saves Unconscious F-16 Pilot (aviationweek.com) |
180 points by jakarta on Sept 14, 2016 | 69 comments
20. | | Why I Majored in Philosophy Despite Everyone Telling Me Not To (2013) (mic.com) |
135 points by pmoriarty on Sept 15, 2016 | 204 comments
21. | | Darpa Contract Awarded to Verify Blockchain-Based Integrity Monitoring System (guardti.me) |
120 points by m545 on Sept 15, 2016 | 55 comments
22. | | Anker launches sister brand for home automation (techcrunch.com) |
65 points by Sempiternum on Sept 14, 2016 | 54 comments
23. | | Microsoft is now the leading company for open source contributions on GitHub (businessinsider.com) |
343 points by gjmveloso on Sept 15, 2016 | 184 comments
24. | | Lessons learned from using Docker Swarm mode in production (bugsnag.com) |
92 points by gkze on Sept 15, 2016 | 52 comments
25. | | Show HN: Using Parsing Expression Grammars to rewrite source code (github.com/sebcat) |
63 points by sebcat on Sept 14, 2016 | 26 comments
26. | | Insights into a corpus of 2.5M news headlines (freedom-to-tinker.com) |
74 points by randomwalker on Sept 14, 2016 | 11 comments
27. | | A Primer on Bézier Curves – B-Splines (pomax.github.io) |
167 points by TheRealPomax on Sept 15, 2016 | 29 comments
28. | | The Tyranny of Art History in Contemporary Art (vulture.com) |
49 points by prismatic on Sept 14, 2016 | 19 comments
29. | | The rise of the corporate colossus is a giant problem (economist.com) |
164 points by mudil on Sept 15, 2016 | 143 comments
30. | | JRE 8 needs more codecache than before (indeedblog.com) |
131 points by jlward4th on Sept 15, 2016 | 37 comments
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