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Stories from April 25, 2016
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1. BYOT: Bring your own team (stripe.com)
826 points by hepha1979 on April 25, 2016 | 180 comments
2. Dark Patterns by the Boston Globe (rationalconspiracy.com)
726 points by apsec112 on April 25, 2016 | 317 comments
3. Half Your Brain Stands Guard When Sleeping in a New Place (npr.org)
501 points by stared on April 25, 2016 | 153 comments
4. How Kalman Filters Work (anuncommonlab.com)
377 points by slackpad on April 24, 2016 | 29 comments
5. Gentoo Tesla – T2 Edition (su-tesla.space)
346 points by lelf on April 25, 2016 | 142 comments
6. Docker for Mac Beta Review (medium.com/nzoschke)
304 points by ingve on April 25, 2016 | 307 comments
7. Homebrew now sends usage information to Google Analytics (github.com/homebrew)
359 points by aorth on April 25, 2016 | 312 comments
8. Dropbox as a Git Server (anishathalye.com)
284 points by anishathalye on April 25, 2016 | 76 comments
9. Most popular links in Hacker News comments, 2006–2015 (github.com/antontarasenko)
210 points by anton_tarasenko on April 24, 2016 | 68 comments
10. Sebastian Thrun Steps Down as Udacity's CEO (fortune.com)
190 points by datawrangler on April 25, 2016 | 85 comments
11. New debugging method found undetected security flaws in popular web apps (news.mit.edu)
134 points by Lind5 on April 24, 2016 | 28 comments
12. The Epic Rise of John D. Rockefeller (thehustle.co)
172 points by jl87 on April 21, 2016 | 93 comments
13. GPUCC – An Open-Source GPGPU Compiler (research.google.com)
195 points by haberman on April 25, 2016 | 53 comments
14. Chart.js 2.0 Released (chartjs.org)
332 points by etimberg on April 25, 2016 | 78 comments
15. RouterSploit – Router Exploitation Framework (github.com/reverse-shell)
188 points by adamnemecek on April 25, 2016 | 21 comments
16. DARPA Is Looking For the Perfect Encryption App (vice.com)
110 points by mr_golyadkin on April 25, 2016 | 69 comments
17. Dissecting a spammer's spam script (jelleraaijmakers.nl)
140 points by jmadsen on April 25, 2016 | 12 comments
18. What Happens When Baseball-Stats Nerds Run a Pro Team (nytimes.com)
132 points by zonotope on April 24, 2016 | 51 comments
19. Leaf – Machine Learning for Hackers (autumnai.com)
226 points by david90 on April 25, 2016 | 46 comments
20. Fantasy Math Is Helping Companies Spin Losses into Profits (nytimes.com)
98 points by hvo on April 25, 2016 | 72 comments
21. Nearly all new diesel cars exceed official pollution limits (theguardian.com)
153 points by known on April 25, 2016 | 132 comments
22. Secure OpenPGP Key Pair Synchronization via IMAP (github.com/modernpgp)
46 points by felixhammerl on April 25, 2016 | 6 comments
23. Programming blogs (danluu.com)
286 points by jsnell on April 25, 2016 | 60 comments
24. Google Play Store and “over a million apps” could be headed to Chrome OS (arstechnica.com)
179 points by ingve on April 25, 2016 | 166 comments
25. I returned home from Silicon Valley and built a failed startup (medium.com/aditya_herlamba)
120 points by aherlambang on April 25, 2016 | 79 comments
26. Bank of Japan Is an Estimated Top 10 Holder in 90% of the Nikkei 225 (bloomberg.com)
201 points by randomname2 on April 25, 2016 | 214 comments
27. Los Angeles and the 'great American streetcar scandal' (theguardian.com)
98 points by anexprogrammer on April 25, 2016 | 85 comments
28. Bangladesh Bank hackers compromised SWIFT software, warning issued (reuters.com)
105 points by mattingly23 on April 25, 2016 | 36 comments
29. The Case for SoundCloud (thembj.org)
55 points by techthumb on April 23, 2016 | 36 comments
30. Surprising, Vibrant Reef Discovered in the Muddy Amazon (nationalgeographic.com)
75 points by michaelmachine on April 23, 2016 | 18 comments

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