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Stories from August 23, 2014
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1. Feynman Lectures on Physics now free online (caltech.edu)
749 points by silenteh on Aug 23, 2014 | 93 comments
2. On bananas and string matching algorithms (wabbo.org)
260 points by cjbprime on Aug 23, 2014 | 62 comments
3. USBCondom (crowdsupply.com)
247 points by lelf on Aug 23, 2014 | 92 comments
4. Deep Learning: An MIT Press book in preparation (umontreal.ca)
224 points by mutor on Aug 23, 2014 | 39 comments
5. Chromecast Rooted (xda-developers.com)
204 points by CSDude on Aug 23, 2014 | 101 comments
6. Project Gitenberg (gitenberg.github.io)
175 points by mdturnerphys on Aug 23, 2014 | 72 comments
7. Julia 0.3 released (julialang.org)
176 points by StefanKarpinski on Aug 23, 2014 | 50 comments
8. There’s a simple alternative to the current web (hapgood.us)
150 points by mgunes on Aug 23, 2014 | 143 comments
9. SpaceX rocket explodes during testing over Texas (bbc.co.uk)
143 points by richardwigley on Aug 23, 2014 | 87 comments
10. Show HN: Terra, a JS framework for cellular automata and biological simulations (rileyjshaw.com)
121 points by rileyjshaw on Aug 23, 2014 | 31 comments
11. Why do all code editors look the same? (medium.com/jviereck)
102 points by dangoor on Aug 23, 2014 | 54 comments
12. What is a Hacker? (1985) (cs.berkeley.edu)
96 points by Jach on Aug 23, 2014 | 29 comments
13. How I work as a digital nomad (typicalprogrammer.com)
87 points by gregjor on Aug 23, 2014 | 111 comments
14. NSA paid millions to cover Prism compliance costs for tech companies (2013) (theguardian.com)
86 points by teawithcarl on Aug 23, 2014 | 40 comments
15. The state of Android updates: Who’s fast, who’s slow, and why (arstechnica.com)
79 points by thekonqueror on Aug 23, 2014 | 30 comments
16. Dark net drug markets kept alive by great customer service (wired.co.uk)
81 points by rosser on Aug 23, 2014 | 66 comments
17. Lessons from the Novena laptop project (lwn.net)
79 points by tux1968 on Aug 23, 2014 | 9 comments
18. Show HN: Cupertino.js – A JavaScript to Cocoa compiler and runtime (github.com/jerrymarino)
77 points by jermar on Aug 23, 2014 | 23 comments
19. The Look of Funny: How the Onion's Art Department Works (fastcodesign.com)
68 points by adamnemecek on Aug 23, 2014 | 4 comments
20. Student’s six-foot water and solar-powered lens purifies polluted water (buffalo.edu)
68 points by kissgyorgy on Aug 23, 2014 | 45 comments
21. Let's build a browser engine, Part 4: Style (limpet.net)
66 points by mbrubeck on Aug 23, 2014 | 2 comments
22. What Is Time? (medium.com/calhoun137)
67 points by calhoun137 on Aug 23, 2014 | 27 comments
23. Writing Analytics SQL with Common Table Expressions (neustar.biz)
57 points by chubot on Aug 23, 2014 | 7 comments
24. Gods in Color: Painted Sculpture of Classical Antiquity (2008) (archaeology.org)
58 points by walterbell on Aug 23, 2014 | 13 comments
25. BASIC as a Haskell DSL (2009) (augustss.blogspot.com)
58 points by tel on Aug 23, 2014 | 12 comments
26. Gura: Iterator-Oriented Programming Language (gura-lang.org)
56 points by matsuu on Aug 23, 2014 | 8 comments
27. Conjecture Regarding Larger iPhone Displays (daringfireball.net)
51 points by rkudeshi on Aug 23, 2014 | 34 comments
28. Lesson from Old India: When an Economy Just Doesn’t Get Better (nytimes.com)
50 points by jseliger on Aug 23, 2014 | 61 comments
29. Hidden surprises in the Bitcoin blockchain and how they are stored (righto.com)
49 points by ca98am79 on Aug 23, 2014 | 28 comments
30. Lucene's FuzzyQuery is 100 times faster in 4.0 (2011) (mikemccandless.com)
48 points by sciurus on Aug 23, 2014 | 6 comments

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