61. | | Libertarians/conservatives launch hackathon (lincolnlabs.com) |
12 points by willstudies on June 7, 2014 | 19 comments
62. | | An iOS app in assembly (github.com/richardjrossiii) |
11 points by luu on June 7, 2014
63. | | Rm -rf remains (lambdaops.com) |
11 points by carljoseph on June 7, 2014
64. | | Respect your elders ( a little a least) |
11 points by Godfather667 on June 7, 2014 | 7 comments
65. | | Wikipedia Mining Reveals The Most Influential People In 3500 Years Of History (medium.com/the-physics-arxiv-blog) |
9 points by e12e on June 7, 2014 | 1 comment
66. | | Ask HN: How to keep up on research relevant to HCI and Product Design? |
9 points by chrisdevereux on June 7, 2014 | 4 comments
67. | | APNG.js: Beautiful animated PNGs (with alpha) in any browser (davidmz.github.io) |
8 points by cornholio on June 7, 2014
68. | | Everything is Broken (medium.com/message) |
8 points by neop on June 7, 2014 | 1 comment
69. | | StackOverflow is full of children (sethvargo.com) |
8 points by sethvargo on June 7, 2014 | 4 comments
70. | | Machine learning doesn’t resolve how the mosaic theory applies (washingtonpost.com) |
6 points by aficionado on June 7, 2014
71. | | One of the most realistic "hacking" scenes in a movie. (youtube.com) |
8 points by qwook on June 7, 2014 | 1 comment
72. | | Graphic: A preview of new features in C# 6.0 (fionatg.com) |
7 points by fionatg on June 7, 2014
73. | | Ask HN: What is a good db as a service? |
8 points by econic on June 7, 2014 | 6 comments
74. | | AWS eu-west-1 region is down |
7 points by eknkc on June 7, 2014 | 5 comments
75. | | Has Google sold billions of dollars in ads that don't work? (vox.com) |
7 points by eroo on June 7, 2014
76. | | Show HN: PHPippo PHP preprocessor, micro-optimizer (github.com/phptools) |
7 points by aruggirello on June 7, 2014 | 1 comment
77. | | Ask HN: how to get a tan as a developer? |
6 points by basdevries on June 7, 2014 | 9 comments
78. | | Uber's $18 bn valuation is just another fantasy marketed by Silicon Valley (theguardian.com) |
8 points by planetjones on June 7, 2014
79. | | Miami Cops Are Running A Sting To Catch Lyft Drivers (businessinsider.com) |
7 points by bdcravens on June 7, 2014
80. | | Control VR – Adding fingers, arms, and body motion to VR (kickstarter.com) |
7 points by yincrash on June 7, 2014
81. | | Do We Really Need to Learn to Code? (newyorker.com) |
6 points by sizzle on June 7, 2014
82. | | Writing a Swift App with Firebase (drex.svbtle.com) |
6 points by xyclos on June 7, 2014
83. | | How Different Cultures Understand Time (businessinsider.com) |
6 points by daralthus on June 7, 2014
84. | | We “will be paying no ransom,” vows town hit by Cryptowall ransom malware (arstechnica.com) |
5 points by sizzle on June 7, 2014
85. | | Ghostzilla (wikipedia.org) |
5 points by enthdegree on June 7, 2014
86. | | Back door competition for TrueCrypt fork? (metzdowd.com) |
5 points by pera on June 7, 2014 | 2 comments
87. | | Emulating cycle-perfect interrupts on the 6502 and 6522 VIA (xania.org) |
5 points by mattgodbolt on June 7, 2014
88. | | Why Facebook and Google's Concept of 'Real Names' Is Revolutionary (2011) (theatlantic.com) |
5 points by cbellet on June 7, 2014 | 1 comment
89. | | Judge Orders NSA To Stop Destroying Evidence – For The Third Time (dailycaller.com) |
7 points by 1337biz on June 7, 2014
90. | | Stephen Fry attacks 'squalid' coalition for inaction on Snowden revelations (theguardian.com) |
6 points by chippy on June 7, 2014
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