61. | | Show HN: Holster - modern day utility belt (furtrade.is) |
11 points by jokull on March 24, 2012 | 5 comments
62. | | Building Backbone.js Apps With Ruby, Sinatra, MongoDB and Haml (addyosmani.com) |
10 points by dwynings on March 24, 2012 | 2 comments
63. | | Shopping For Zero-Days: A Price List For Hackers' Secret Software Exploits (forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg) |
10 points by whiletrue on March 24, 2012
64. | | The Righteous Mind (nytimes.com) |
10 points by fendrak on March 24, 2012
65. | | Hammer.js - A javascript library for multi touch gestures (eightmedia.github.com) |
10 points by jenhsun on March 24, 2012
66. | | Facebook wants you before you are born (thepowerbase.com) |
10 points by bigmetalman on March 24, 2012 | 18 comments
67. | | The problems of Open Source (lambdassociates.org) |
9 points by S4M on March 24, 2012 | 1 comment
68. | | Ask HN: Anybody live in government housing? |
11 points by rwillystyle on March 24, 2012 | 5 comments
69. | | NASA code formally proven as deadlock free; later crashes due to a deadlock (youtube.com) |
9 points by timClicks on March 24, 2012 | 2 comments
70. | | PyExecJS (github.com/doloopwhile) |
9 points by joeyespo on March 24, 2012
71. | | Free Organic Chemistry Study Guide [from an old project] |
8 points by zallarak on March 24, 2012 | 3 comments
72. | | Git to change default push behavior. (git-blame.blogspot.com) |
8 points by gasda on March 24, 2012
73. | | The library Backbone.offline allows your Backbone.js app to work offline (github.com/ask11) |
7 points by Ask11 on March 24, 2012
74. | | Open Source Bridge, an awesome conference in Portland, seeks proposals (opensourcebridge.org) |
7 points by reidab on March 24, 2012 | 1 comment
75. | | Succeeding - The best general self-improvement book I've ever read (johntreed.com) |
7 points by dmd149 on March 24, 2012 | 2 comments
76. | | Software Metrics: A Django Case Study (thegarywilson.com) |
7 points by daaif on March 24, 2012
77. | | Location-Based Tools Tying Music to Local Experiences (betakit.com) |
7 points by erin_bury on March 24, 2012 | 1 comment
78. | | GameBoy crackme based on Pokémon universe (pkh.me) |
7 points by ux on March 24, 2012
79. | | Tweet seats deserve to be booed out of the theater (arstechnica.com) |
7 points by curthopkins on March 24, 2012
80. | | Social Sharing Buttons are Busted (solicitingfame.com) |
8 points by ew on March 24, 2012
81. | | Amazon's new robots connect the cyber world directly to the physical world (forbes.com/sites/markpmills) |
6 points by carlosag on March 24, 2012
82. | | Apple loses appeal; fined $1.2m for ‘misleading’ AppleCare customers (zdnet.com) |
6 points by kmfrk on March 24, 2012
83. | | Freaky Scary Google Plus (foundrs.com) |
6 points by alain94040 on March 24, 2012
84. | | UC Browser goes from 0 to 18% India market share in 7 months (iterin.blogspot.in) |
6 points by adityar on March 24, 2012
85. | | Amazon’s cloud computing used to operate Nasa robots on the surface of Mars (ft.com) |
6 points by kunle on March 24, 2012
86. | | Estimating App Demand from Publicly Available Data (ssrn.com) |
6 points by sanj on March 24, 2012
87. | | NASA cannot make a simple DNS change (nasa.gov) |
6 points by bcardarella on March 24, 2012 | 6 comments
88. | | Ask HN: How do you track your daily productivity? |
6 points by d3x on March 24, 2012 | 3 comments
89. | | Teaching FP to freshmen: OOP is unsuitable for modern CS curriculum (existentialtype.wordpress.com) |
6 points by lelf on March 24, 2012
90. | | Android 5.0 Jelly Bean To Be Launched In Q3 Of 2012 (iteching.info) |
5 points by imnavneet on March 24, 2012
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